8 Advantages For Businesses of Having Their Mobile Apps Development

Can you imagine a flourishing business nowadays in the absence of websites and apps? E-commerce or grocery, you surely need a mobile app in addition to the website. Most consumers reside on mobiles! Research indicates that over 80% of mobile users search products and services online. Over 25% of them search for related mobile apps Development. Social media presence alone will not suffice, unlike the past. 

Mobile app creation is casually done these days with too many dedicated developers. DIY may be comfortable but not advisable. The expert design will go an as long way to attract success. 

Features which mobile apps  development have over websites

Certain features are not suitable for websites, but mobile apps will deliver. 

  • Social media integration
  • Google Maps and GPS tracking
  • Push Notifications
  • Barcode and QR code scanning
  • Payment gateways

Mobile Apps Development

Importance of mobile apps in modern business 

Available to your clients 24/7

Compared to bulky desktops and laptops, the convenience, ease and reliability of mobiles are far more significant. Whether in search of a cab, food delivery or online shopping, tap a particular icon. GPS/Google Maps keep you connected. You know exactly where the cab or delivery person has reached!  

Customer Engagement

Everybody is concerned about information from the business communicated to the consumer. The truth is that marketing research also requires the reverse flow of data. Customers need to deliver reviews and feedback. Valuable customers would be lost if they cannot communicate freely with companies. Mobile apps development help both sides remain in close contact with a secure flow of data. Reviews and ratings, orders and questions, complaints and questions, everything are possible, anytime, anywhere. 

Well-designed apps must present easy to navigate simple interfaces since customers hate complexities. 

Provides Value to your customers

The search for Value is significant, like including a loyalty program. When customers repeat visits and purchases of products and services, they earn more discounts and attractive offers. Apps and brands go together. Push notifications help share loyalty points with customers in addition to bonuses and promotions. 

Starbucks encourages app users with rewards for visiting the store and purchasing additional coffee. Payments may be made conveniently through the app and reward points redeemed. Several payment gateways work through mobile networks. Thus, brands offer Value to clients. Amazon sends promo codes through push notifications. OneSignal is among the leading SDKs for push notifications. 

What mobile app does, websites can’t

Though almost every company maintains a website, many of them do not think that they need a mobile app too. The point is that apps bring many add-on services to the site. Mobile apps can scan barcodes. The barcode cannot be scanned via the website. You would need external hardware. Mobile apps require a tap to achieve barcode scanning. 

QR codes are also getting common and assist in business growth. Many hotels and gyms ask customers to scan QR codes to receive exciting offers and attract more customers. 

Mobile Apps

Brand Recognition

Apps, like advertising, attract publicity and visibility. For cost-effectiveness, an app is better than costly commercials with similar advantages. Apps are customized and include the features required. Links help to download the app through referral codes for spreading brand recognition. 

Helps in Direct Marketing

Offers and prices, features and discounts, communicate via apps! Direct marketing is an advantage. Track usage and geography, demographics etc. Improve sale strategies. 

Helps Differentiate

An app represents the company and sets it apart. They are vibrant and user friendly. 

Builds Customer Loyalty

Customers visit brands they trust, rather than unknown competitors. Motivate them well, and they might become brand advocates. 


By considering the numerous plus points, mobile apps development represent the dreamy business future. An exceptional app reaches the minds and hearts of consumers. Along with a website, add a mobile app that demonstrates the company image. Engage with customers and attract loyalty and Value. 

Contact Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Today!

If you need mobile application development, contact our office or Call us on +91 84600 66686.

How to Grow User Retention with Mobile App Onboarding

Mobile app-success has frequently represented the achievement of business targets! As customer onboarding is the key, attractive apps result in user retention over long terms. Customers need to feel at home with an appropriately creative but straightforward  Mobile app development. Read on to know the best policies guiding user onboarding. 

Build the Path of Least Resistance

Along with the welcome, onboarding should guide visitors around. Customers need to know how the app works and how purchases and payments get done. Design a smooth and stress-free process. Complexities of login and navigation chase them away!  

Mobile App

Intellectual loads should be avoided. Avoid burdening brainpower. Excessive information presented at one go defeats the purpose. A single login screen is simple and universal in social media apps. De-clutter the interface and minimize icons and images. Get rid of whatever is not used. A simple and natural design works best. 

Reduce Sign-up/Log In Fields

User onboarding on small mobile screens should avoid lengthy forms. Why not use a single form to facilitate logins and signups? Entertainment websites do that. Service apps with large memberships may require more details. You need to gather only essential information. If needed, use two screens.  

Follow the “One Screen, One Concept” Rule

A specific information format is easily understood. Compact mobile screens need to shorten the text and use a single screen for an idea. Avoid unnecessary words. Benefits and functions need to be communicated briefly. 

Give Feedback Quickly

In the IT world, feedback carries enormous clout. In the authentication process, plus and negative points need to be known immediately. Animations serve to attract attention quickly. 

Mobile App

Use Guided Interaction to Drive Progress

The more complicated mobile apps use progressive mobile onboarding that serves as a guided product tutorial. The best apps make it a fun experience of exploration. Avoid giving instructions directly. In video games, participants find the way around through actions to find the controls. Some apps with empty spaces require interaction to find steps to generate content. ‘Evernote’ encourages you to make notes and fill up screens. ‘Explore Evernote’ supports discovery. 

Use Animations Purposefully

Why should you use animations in mobile onboarding? 

  • You need to attract attention to elements to facilitate progress.
  • Through positive feedback, specific actions get reinforced.
  • Design spaces such that users encounter new content without feeling a loss of screen 

Minimize animations in mobile onboarding and aim at one of these targets. Avoid irritation but attract attention. Animations pointing at something undiscovered or pagination dots to indicate time are good policies. 

Test, Test, & Test Again

By aiming primarily at users, mobile app onboarding should heed reviews. You can find what users have difficulty with and work out solutions to remove them. Test something and see if users want them. 

Mobile App

Breaking Down Your Retention Rate to Identify Problems

The study of retention rates in three sections will help find problems in the app. 

Short-Term Retention (The first week of Mobile app usage)

During the first week, how many times did users visit the app? If visits are rarely more than once, they found it complicated or unclear. 

Mid-Term Retention (4 weeks of app usage)

During this period, analyze the pattern of use. Did you find any obstacles to proper usage?

Long-Term Retention (After one month of app usage)

Are users embracing the app as an essential resource?  

Convey Value Right Away

Immediacy holds good in the business world. Is the Mobile app working well at launch? If yes, usage should continue for long. Studying responses, it will be apparent if the app is successful or facing problems. 

Final Thoughts

High retention rates at onboarding prove that apps are successful. Collect feedback and make changes to accommodate user wishes.  Get in touch with us!

What Are The Things That Set The Base of Mobile App Personalization?

All things considered, mobile app are the most conspicuous than some other medium to make your business to accomplish extraordinary heights. In any case, the thing with mobile applications is that clients move away excessively quickly without customized experiences.

Henceforth, it is smarter to not stop with a static experience or application messaging efforts that won’t satisfy the client’s desires. Or maybe, when you have just made the enormous bounce into the mobile, at that point better follow the pattern, distinguishing what your clients are looking for and afterward simply get into mobile App personalization.

Despite the fact that numerous advertisers are having their reservations with respect to the mobile application personalization benefits, particularly at the client’s private cost. However, in case you do it right, you can truly make application messages that will coordinate your application clients’ individual needs, interests, and desires, offering the sort of application experience that they want and guarantee to repeat the utilization. As we get into it, it allows first knowledge of what precisely mobile application personalization is.

Mobile Application Personalization: An overview

Indeed, mobile application personalization is the procedure to manufacture a mobile application so as to meet the need of a specific audience. Simply equivalent to different types of personalization, mobile application personalization is intended to give clients sort of experiences that are performed to their specific needs, rather than a wide, one-size-fits-all understanding for every one of the clients.

Mobile Applications

However, mobile is developing at a critical pace as increasingly more of your purchasers utilize their mobile devices to get to data. With 89% of shopper media time spent on mobile applications, it’s basic for your organization to be locally available with a mobile application procedure. While you can surely place a portion of your past involvement with focusing on, testing, and personalization to utilize, applications carry on uniquely in contrast to different mediums, so you can move your digital promoting system to handle them. Here are three things to remember on your trip towards application personalization:

Know Your Users and What They Are Looking for:

Similarly, as with other advertising channels, you will probably accomplish positive outcomes. For mobile, this implies more clients, additional time in the application, higher appraisals, higher conversion rates, and so forth. So, to sustain the development of these patterns, you can give your clients various features that will draw in them and hold them. Features care be video instructional exercises, coupons, and warnings, are some examples. Yet, to do this effectively, you need to regard your clients as individuals, not as ‘patterns,’ which implies you need to get personal with them.

Constant Responses: Conversations versus Single Messages:

Changing the message, you showcase dependent on a client’s ongoing movement is a known practice; however, in the application world, it implies giving clients content that identifies with where they’ve been in your application and whether they took the activities that you were trusting they would.

In a perfect world, mobile advertisers need to react diversely to every client’s reviews. In case a client rounds out a satisfaction survey in a positive manner, at that point you could line that up with a challenge to rate your application in the application store. In case the client rounds out the review contrarily, at that point you could send a consequent message requesting more data or with an uncommon idea to build the degree of satisfaction. These kinds of in-application commitment streams are like email sustaining efforts and work to move clients up the ladder of loyalty.

Mobile Applications

Test, Experiment, and Optimize:

Consistent testing and advancement are the substance of advertising. Your test lines, content, designs, visuals, and a lot more. You try different things with various streams, like supporting the request, and you continually streamline your content and scoring framework.

However, how might you apply this procedure to improve your mobile application? In addition to the fact that you should test your application’s content; however, you should explore different avenues regarding the frequency of message and its timing, the in-application features, and testing diverse features against one another. Like, which kind of direction would be increasingly powerful to locally available new clients: a video instructional exercise or a carrousel of features? It’s just through experimentation and enhancement that you can understand your application’s full business potential.

By understanding, drawing in with, and fulfilling your clients, you are a lot nearer to effectively finishing the efforts towards mobile application personalization. To embark on this journey, get in touch with the ideal mobile app development company which can take care of app store optimization efforts as well.

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