How Leap Years can be Useful for .Net Developers?

March 10, 2016

How Leap Years can be Useful for .Net Developers?

2016 was a leap year means one extra day in your life, 29th February. What good will you do with that day and how can single day be a way to new life or we can say a door to new opportunities. Today, in this blog post; we will see how leap years can be useful for .Net developers.

So, if this time if you failed to make most use of it; we are sure that for coming leap year i.e. February 2020; you will definitely keep in mind to do so.

Useful for .Net Developers

Now, how one day can transform your life? You can try many things on this extra day like as learning new things in .net development, developing something different, trying your own creativity along with ideas.

Developing Satya Nadela bobble head; this will help you to learn some Node.js. If you know something more that can be done on every 29th Feb related to development then feel free to share with us.

We came across these ten things which we felt will be useful to every developer:

  • Learning Angular2 with any Angular 2 tutorial as this will help you to develop your first app with Angular2, JSPM and ASP.NET.
  • Knowing about Roslyn tooling as this will help developers to work smoothly with .NET Compiler SDK.
  • Learning event clean up in C++
  • Knowing about various companies who are afraid of getting into open source.
  • Knowing Updates about ASP. NET Core and .NET Core which will be useful to all those who wish to know more apart from just names of changing versions.
  • You can also take a look at this video “Making ES6 available to all” ; it addresses the changes available in ECMA script and JavaScript.
  • Knowing about secure techniques to isolate malware from Visual Studio with the use of intense scrutiny.
  • Knowing DocNet that can be used to simplify creation of documents which are hardly read and are used only when something wrong is to be made right.
  • Getting knowledge to use SSR report to identify all Microsoft SQL Servers, outdated editions and service packs. This is a complete package of research.
  • Knowing more about Microsoft Edge for developers.
  • So, one day is enough to get so much knowledge. You can stay updated with the market; you must be aware about latest hip and happenings in the industry.

Remember; Feb 2020 is again a leap year. Keep in mind these things and utilize your day to make yourself a gem by knowing about certain things that otherwise you would not be able to spare time for.

Take Away:

Hope this blog post will definitely be useful to you. Let us know any more of the ideas to make good use of an extra day of our life. Yes, there are lots of things however here we are discussing in terms of development.

Share your views about this post with us. Stay tuned to Softqube Technologies; provider of .NET development services in India.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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