Best Way to Hire Dedicated Microsoft .NET Developers

October 31, 2015

Best Way to Hire Dedicated Microsoft .NET Developers

Development is an important part as without it is almost impossible to sustain in this IT world. The need for expert developers is unending and hence most of the youngsters prefer to choose development as their career.

But do you think that those who are in this field just for money can actually fulfill the needs of their clients? Or talent, passion, skills is something that matters in development field. Well, this is not the point we are going to discuss here.

It was just a thought in my mind which I shared with my readers. So, here basically today we are going to show you some tips or we can say we are going to reveal some secrets which will help you to hire appropriate developers.

First of all, let me make it clear that this blog post is specially meant for those business owners who are in search of dedicated Microsoft Developers.

So, whatever tips we will give you are based on the notion that you are in need of qualified experts to fulfill your development tasks. Yes, obviously you can try these for hiring other developers as well and let us know your feedback then if you do so.

Tips to Hire Quality Microsoft Developers:

  • Think of Design: Before actually hiring any developer, look what actually his /her skills are. How much is she/he interested in activities that need creativity like as art, music, dance, craft etc.

    Because a person may have educational background in development field but it may not be really interested in the task. His interests and skills may vary from what he she has studied. So,preferable to take a look at its development projects and decide whether the candidate is eligible to fulfill your tasks or not.

    If you are interviewing freshers’ then you can ask them to develop something on the spot. This will reveal their confidence skills as well as show how deeply a person gets involved in the work and how accurate as well as qualitative his/her work is.

    Further, the candidate must be willing to learn new things. Then only, you will be able to have a team that can understand and fulfill the needs of the clients easily and quickly. Also, choose candidates who are really passionate about working on the projects and implementing new ideas.

    You can judge their interest by asking them about themselves and see what they say, what they like. If you are good at hiring then you will easily judge whether the person is able to perform as per the needs or not.

  • Take sufficient time to hire: If you want quality then you need to wait for the right candidate to come and take sufficient time till you get the person you are in need of. Patience is important here.

    Because one quality candidate will bring in other quality candidates as even they love to work with quality people. So, never compromise quality just to hire candidates in a hurry.

    Instead of hiring four C level developers, it is recommended to wait and hire an A level developer who is equal to those four. Good software is developed with a good team and hence it is necessary to have a bunch of quality developers.

    Always the problems caused during development process are solved with the help of experts’ team. So, don’t be dependent on just one or two developers. Try to get best out of everybody and every developer has different perspective, so a team can work well with proper ideas by sharing knowledge with each other.

  • Go For Talent: See the talent in the candidate and even if the qualification is not as per the job description, hire them because talent works more lot than the bookish knowledge. So, next time you hire any developer; make sure to keep these things in mind.
  • Choose the ones that fit to your culture: Apart from just having talent; it is necessary that the person must be able to fit in your work environment so that you as well as the candidate both are comfortable working with each other.

    Always choose candidates keeping work culture at the back of mind. For e.g.: You love to enjoy weekends with employees while the candidate you are hiring may not have this liking and he/she might prefer to do work instead of enjoying or just be with family.

    So, such small things matter a lot. You can easily judge this by knowing what they like and dislike. This is the reason why we advise you to talk with employees and try to understand them rather than just looking at their biodata for the skills you need.

    In short a candidate you select must be able to do work effectively as well as have skills to be a good team player. Hence, it is important to know whether you want people who love to work in teams or those who love to work individually.

  • Work is the motivational factor: It is the work that motivates your employees. Job satisfaction is necessary to keep employees glued to the work. Bigger companies generally have less motivational factors and there are times when employees have to sit for free with less or no work.

    Sometimes people are willing to work with start ups no matter if they pay less as compared to big companies. The reason they are in search of more work. Developers must feel that they are actually contributing to the company.

    So, always offer such work to employees through which they feel that they are actually useful to the company and they play an important role in the boosting company’s reputation.

Wind Up:

Now, next time when you are in search of dedicated Microsoft developers; make sure you use these tips to hire them and select the real candidates whom you actually need. Let us know if you have more of such tips which will be useful to our readers.

For further such tips and tricks, stay connected with Softqube Technologies; development Company in India.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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