What Hurdles Android has to Face to Maintain its Lead in the Market?

October 28, 2015

What Hurdles Android has to Face to Maintain its Lead in the Market?

It is very well said that Success comes to those who constantly keep themselves updated and keep working to match the newly arose demands. One can only break its own records if one improves the skills constantly.

Same is the case with Android; it keeps on overcoming huge hurdles in order to maintain its position in the market. Today, smart phones are used by almost everyone; be it a small business or limited business.

Android alone has nearly 1.4 billion monthly active users. The reason; its huge selection as well as the way it approaches several segments of smartphone consumer market. Even though android is so popular; we can say that it can have an uncertain future.

Because it has several open source variants and so the Android ecosystem is highly fragmented. This presents various issues in terms of security in app development. Slowly, the smart phone markets are diverting from well developed countries such as United States to the newly growing markets of India and Brazil.

The overall project control will be maintained by Google through its Android one project while third party vendors will boost the regionalized Android versions to specific consumer markets. In a report from Business Intelligence; challenges and opportunities faced by Android in present day were examined.

Android Market

Also the effects of fragmentation on Android as well as the limitations of Android system like as Android Wear, Android Pay were also considered.

A brief discussion of this report is as follows:

We all know that android is the widely adopted mobile platform in the entire world. In second quarter of 2015, 83% of smart phones were shipped globally out of which 285 million smart phones were those running on Android version.

Another greatest challenge faced by Android is Fragmentation. Today, if we closely take a look at the versions used by people then one third of consumers are still using devices having versions released before 2012.

On the other side, the same fragmentation is the biggest opportunity for Android. Let’s see how:

How Fragmentation can be Biggest Opportunity for Android?

Android has innumerable versions and so consumers get the wide variety of choice to choose from. If we talk about the year 2015 then in the month of August, 24000 different Android devices from various Android brands were available. Some were running on forked versions of the platform operating system developed from Android open source.

This means customer had the choice to choose from enormous versions by enormous brands and so depending on the choice, need and want; they can select the one that they are in need of. Hence, till now we can see the number of versions that are launched by Android and also its demand in the market. In this way; fragmentation serves a boon to Android platform as this helps to sell smart phones more in numbers.

Talking about Google Play Store where every android app is available; we can say that it surpasses the competition but the arrival of apps and developers really makes app development a problematic thing for marketers.

It has crossed the app sales volume in 2014 however the premium available on any particular app increases the app marketing costs. This creates the difference between the amount of traffic as well as the volume generated.

And this difference is one of the biggest hurdles for Android platform. On the contrary, iOS has less traffic but its revenue surpasses to that of Android. This means iOS has less but valuable and qualitative customers which play an important role in maintaining the brand image in the society.

New markets are the ones that decide the future of Android and Google is in constant efforts to win the battle fighting against the competition from handset manufacturers, carrier partners and from traditional rivals such as Apple.

So, here are the following things that this report covers:

  • Showing Android platform as the greatest smartphone market.
  • Factors that cause hurdles to its progress mainly fragmentation.
  • Showcasing Android’s biggest opportunity Fragmentation.
  • Reveals the growth of Android in new products and services like as Android Pay and Android wear.
  • Shows how Google is planning to win the battle.

All these above mentioned points are the topics that can have unending discussions because day in day out; Android offers new versions, new features which can bring some alterations in the statistics.

Hence, even though Android is so popular it has not stopped and is still continuing to grow facing so many hurdles but still it wins as it is the only operating system that is used even by any middle class person as well as by the affluent people.

There’s no such specification as to which class of people actually use it and hence it is made available for all. This is one of the reasons why android is gaining popularity and why every of its versions are successful in the market.

Wind Up

Every time we keep on discussing about android app development; today we thought to give our blog post a different direction and hence we came up with a topic which gives us the insight about Android market and shows us that no one can ever gain popularity without facing hurdles.

The thing is whether we are facing it or we get stopped by it. Do let us know how do you feel reading this post and what do you think about this new direction of ours. We are eager to know your feedback.

If you are interested to use Android as a platform and get your business app developed from expert Android app developers then you are at the right place, Professional Android app developers at Softqube technologies will do the right thing for you.

Get in touch with us to discuss your requirements in detail.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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