Content Strategy for Responsive Web Design
September 15, 2015

Responsive Web Designs have been the buzz of the industry. The reason; mobile devices are now being used more to search things and surf the web as well as use the applications. Today, in this blog post we will discuss about some important points that one must consider while developing content strategy for responsive web design.
With the perfect combination of research and experience, expert web designers from Softqube Technologies; well known web Design Company in India have found some amazing techniques that can be used to frame an amazing content strategy for responsive web design.
Let’s take a look at few important steps that must be included to have an effective responsive web design:
What is an effective Responsive web design?
Before we heed on to know about the process of creating content for responsive designs, let’s first understand what this design is all about?
So, when you first type anything in the search bar of any search engine, you see several search results. Some may be relevant to your search while few may not be. Well, it’s not about which are relevant which are not. It’s about how much useful the relevant search results are? Do they actually provide you the information that you need?
Similarly, when you search about anything on your mobile or tablet; is the website easily readable to you. Is the content on that website same as that of the one available on the website visible on laptop or desktop?
Is the site adjustable with your device’s screen size? If the answer to all these questions is a complete YES then such designs are considered to be purely responsive as they adjust with your device as well as are easily readable.
Coming to the content of such designs; how it should be and what points one must consider while writing for such responsive designs is yet another question that has lot of importance.
Points to be kept in mind while preparing content for Responsive web design:
- Proper Planning is required: When we hear the word “Web Design” what first comes into our mind is that it is purely the work of web development team. But this is completely a false notion.
Any design be it responsive or non responsive is a joint effort carried out by a complete team that consists of writers, designers, developers as well as strategists. Hence, perfect planning is required for every department to give a perfect shape to any design.
- Content must be well organized: Writing content anywhere everywhere won’t serve the purpose. Relevant category must possess relevant content. Hence, it is mandatory to maintain a proper format of the content.
It must be aligned with the relevant categories. Also, this avoids content from being jumbled. Hence, proper alignment in such a way that no matter whether the website shrinks or widens is a must to have a perfect professional responsive website.
- Offer Proper User experience: When you say your website has “Responsive design” or it is optimized for mobile, so what it means? This shows that the content of site is capable enough to be readable clearly on each and every device and it doesn’t get mess up when there’s a small screen.
Make as many changes as you want till the time your website content is readable properly on each and every device. Distil and filter the content till the time you are completely satisfied.
No matter the number of times you fail, accuracy is must here. Try ten thousand times but keep on trying till you get the perfect format that pleases readers and makes your content worth reading.
Wind Up
The more adjustable, easy readable, understandable your content is; the more visitors are likely to come to your site. This will help you to lower down bounce rates. Prefer converting text into images or infographics wherever necessary.
Need more such tips, stay tuned with us. Meanwhile keep sharing your experience with us.
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