Everything about PaaS

September 30, 2015

Recently, the use of public cloud services has increased and it has made deep impact to all the fields of IT industry. The trends and features of cloud services cannot be ignored. Platform as a Service also known as PaaS is an amazing feature of web development.

Slowly, the spending on this feature is going to increase to $20 billion and it will still continue to increase. Hence, now it becomes mandatory for all web developers to properly understand this technology and its use.

So, what exactly PaaS is? This blog post from Softqube Technologies, well known web development company India will describe everything about this technology. Here, you will get perfect information about this incredible technology.

What is Platform- as – a Service (PaaS)?

When you are working with cloud services; you will frequently come across such acronyms. Cloud services provide features such as high end security to all the networks for worldwide reach. It is the service model that makes these services highly accessible.

One of the service models is IaaS- Infrastructure as a Service. It represents a complete physical infrastructure including computers and racks to climate controls as well as developing security which is sold to consumers on peruse basis.

Developing similar infrastructure can cost huge sum of money and hence it becomes easy to just purchase the same from the cloud services provider and hence the complete networking power is available at an affordable cost with remarkable advantages.

Some of the other well known services are SaaS referred as “Storage as a Service”. This offers binary data in the complete managed fashion. The list is unending and all these services show the use of service model.

Out of all these, Platform- as – a- Service is one such useful platform that offers useful services and is widely adopted by all. This manages everything including software infrastructure. Everything from operating systems, security patches, server software are all managed by experts available with the provider of cloud services at no extra usage or set up costs.

When your web application possesses PaaS then one can focus deeply on development and can easily delegate the solutions to a well managed platform in few minutes.

Features of Platform as a Service:

Cloud service providers can gain the advantage of Dynamic Scaling; an important feature with the use of PaaS. This means that one can easily adjust the implementation of underlying resources along with the necessary traffic patterns.

Be it any public holiday or a weekend, with PaaS things can be performed anytime anywhere thus saving huge time and money. With PaaS, extra traffic can be responded easily and additional servers can be used to manage the load.

When the traffic is less, dynamic scaling adjusts itself to it. Hence, one won’t pay for extra service when it is not used. Such systems provide huge comfort to the web developers and they can relax completely.

So, are you ready to make use of cloud services? Here are some well known cloud service providers:

  • Amazon’s Elastic Beanstalk
  • Microsoft’s Web Apps
  • Google’s App Engine

Wind Up

Get started with cloud services today and make the lives of web developers exciting. Stay tuned with us for more details of such services.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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