Softqube Completed 100 Blogs!
May 3, 2014

There are days when you keen to bring out some latest technologies, trend; to do something creative, innovative to stand out amidst the digital deluge. Yesterday was one such day, we feel proud to announce that we have completed 100 blogs post on our website. Though it is not such a big thing for many people, but for us these blogs are not just post, these are some of the best knowledge and experience of our employees, who are experts in their work. We never thought that the thing that we have started just to make a regular update on our site, will be become so important for us, as it allow us to share our knowledge and area of expertise.
Words from CEO
Our CEO is the person who suggests us to create and maintain the website blog. As soon as we have completed our 100 blogs, he is the person who is full of joy and said, “When we have started writing blog, this is nothing but a part of our SEO strategy to update our website on a daily basis, to let search engines update our site regularly, but very soon, it becomes a place where our employees start exploring their knowledge and expertise.” Our blog is not only the knowledge of our experts, it is a means for geek to interact with IT sector more effectively than ever before and learn new technologies. I am very happy and thank them for their share, and always welcome them to put more efforts. Thank You my Softqube family.
Role of Google
As we already mentioned, it’s just an SEO Strategy in the initial stage, we as an SEO Company, strictly follow the guidelines mentioned by the Search Engines especially Google, to avoid manual and algorithmic hit. As this an era of content marketing, we started post regular content on our website, but soon we didn’t find any area to explore more, then our niche experts those are the regular readers of the domain specific update whether it is related to Website development, web design, mobile apps development or SEO Services, they start sharing their views with our Content Writers. And then with the brief discussion given by our niche experts on a specific topic, our content writer oblige us to provide with fresh and quality content, to share on our website. For the information that our experts gain via Google, and give us the base to produce more content, Google and other search engines plays an important role in our completion of 100 blogs.
What we have in our blogs?
We never thought of target any domain or any specific niche; we just want to share information, which makes our blogs consist of the best 100 blog post totally dedicated to Information Technology domain, it consist about Web design, Web Development, eCommerce Solution, eCommerce Website development, WordPress design and development, SEO Services, Mobile apps development and many more in a row.
What we do in future?
We never say about the future. Even we were not sure we could have been able to complete 100 blogs, but with efforts of the content writer and the knowledge of our domain experts as a team complete this. We try to have this practice of creating new and fresh content for the viewers who are searching for the good quality contents.
We also thankful to all of you who are willing to read what we write. This journey would have been impossible without you!
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