Landing Page – Association

August 2, 2016

Landing Page – Association

Landing pages are a form of marketing, which are meant to enhance the market approach and addition to your marketing strategies. The final destination of the customer or the prospect client ends here. If the information provided in the site is good enough, I mean simple and clear, easy to understand and makes sense to the customer than the purpose of making a landing page is met.

Landing Page Optimization

It’s important to understand the role that landing pages play in your overall marketing plan:

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Landing Pages: Landing pages are designed keeping various criteria’s to be compatible with search engine optimization as they go hand-in-hand. SEO landing pages are those which are optimized keeping in mind search engines — with features that make it particularly appealing to the algorithms that decide whether or not a page is valuable to searchers. Any optimization strategies that you employ across your site should also be used on your landing pages as they can only benefit from it.
  2. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising and Landing Pages: Pay-per-click ads use landing page as destination and that is the most popular and common use they are put through. Landing pages can also be used just as successfully with organic search engine rankings. Landing pages and Pay-Per-Click advertising go together perfectly providing the maximum benefit to the person searching and the company.
  3. Landing Pages and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Your landing page is the destination point to notice conversion impact of your campaign. There are many reasons behind the landing pages working well and improving conversions. Landing page is responsible for influencing human visitors and converting them to customers.

    It is very commonly understood that conversion optimization are result of landing page, but that is not true. Conversion optimization involves many other features — but landing pages are a strategic part, and just one of the ways you can convince customers to come further into your site and interact.

  4. Landing Pages and Social Media Marketing: Social media, yet another platform for landing pages to work well. Companies keep separate pages for their followers on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and other social sites. They frequently update information which they want the customers to know or follow.

    PPC conversion experience is simplified and improved for prospective customer by landing pages. This is done by enabling focused communication through messages which will boost the quality score resulting lower cost per click. More over bounce rate of post as-click gets reduced improving conversions.

The Importance of Relevance

The decision to visit and stay on the page is based on relevance and this fact is common among all viewers. None of the viewers would be interested to spend time looking for relevant stuff on your site, time is of the essence here. That’s why you need to really get to know your target audience and write content that will specifically appeal to them.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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