Which Programming Language is Best for Developing a Website?

March 8, 2016

Which Programming Language is Best for Developing a Website?

After reading so many blog posts that show the importance of website for business; finally you have made your mind that you need a website for your business as it is the mirror which will show your professional face to the visitors.

Now, when this thought comes in any owner’s mind and following to this, there are several other thoughts like as colour combination, selection of programming language and lots more. In our previous blog post, we discussed about the selection of colour combination for professional websites

Today, here in this blog post; we will discuss about the selection of programming language. When you go to any developer and say “I want to get a website developed for my business” then he/she will give you various options like as PHP, HTML, Java, ASP. NET etc.

Programming Language for your Enterprise

Now, how will you decide which one will be useful for you? So, this blog post will answer this question and now next time when you go to any web design company or any website developer then you will be prepared with the answers.

Let’s Begin and Understand Which Language Meets the Needs:

Basically, if we understand then there is no such language that can be considered as perfect for website development but the selection varies based on the needs. So, before deciding the language; keep these things in mind:

  • Server Platform
  • Server Software
  • Budget
  • Your programming experience(if any)
  • Database selected for backend

The operating system that you are using is your platform and the choice of OS plays an important role in the language selection. Wrong selection can lead to several problems in future and not every language provides easy altering options.

Microsoft Windows and UNIX are two of the most preferred operating systems. After choosing the OS, another choice is for server software. Windows system offers IIS that is available free for Windows however it is believed to have lots of history and security problems.

Apache web server and others similar to it are used commonly on UNIX like systems as well as Windows.
Most of the programming languages are available for free under GNU license as well as other open source licenses. Rest of these are commercial products that have a licensing fee. Commercial products have the advantage of offering commercial support and tighter integration with other products of the company.

Among us, some of them cannot afford higher prices of commercial solutions on the market. The tradeoff is the effort made to properly configure the environment which may not be worth the savings cost.

Some of the popular Programming Languages:

  • Java/Servlet/JSP:
    Type: Compiled
    Website: Oracle
    License: NA

    Java is a powerful and secured open source web based programme which can run as a standalone programme in any website. Web based applications that use MVC are created using Java. It is the most recommended programming language for developing secure web applications.

    Java Tutorials are available to assist you when you have problems developing the website with Java.

  • Perl: It is an interpreted script language that can be transformed into binary executable bytecode. Its license is available for free.
  • PHP: Like as Perl, it is also an interpreted script language that can be easily compiled. This one is also available for free. PHP is one of the most popular programming languages used by several websites and web applications over the internet.

    Some PHP examples are Facebook, Magento and Twitter.

  • C Language: It is a standard programming language mainly used on UNIX operating system and slowly it was used on many other operating systems. Today, it has become one of the widely used web development languages.
  • C++: It is a programming language which supports data abstraction and object oriented concepts to C.
  • Cold Fusion: It is a scripting language based on standard HTML used for writing dynamic websites. One can quickly create dynamic pages and use several built in tags and functions used for creating object oriented enterprise level applications.
  • ASP. NET: It is a web development language that combines html and server side code to create web pages that have hidden functionalities and scripts.
  • C#: It is known as C sharp. This language includes imperative, generic, object oriented and component oriented programming disciplines. It is a simple object oriented programming language with object oriented syntax based on C++.

    Its recent version 4.5 was released in 2012.

  • WebDNA: It is an easy to learn language with inbuilt memory databases that are designed specifically for server side programming. It uses a small set of instructions that can be used to create smooth database oriented websites.

    This language can be easily integrated with CSS, HTML, HTML5 and AJAX which allows mixing the layout with programming and server side with client side. It is available for most operating systems like as Unix, OS, X and Windows.

Take Away:

Here, we have covered some of the well known web development languages. You can first know your needs and then see which language will suffice it and based on that, you can take the decision.

For more such tips regarding Web Design, keep in touch with Softqube Technologies; Web Design Company India.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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