How To Get Useful Design Critiques?

July 29, 2015

How To Get Useful Design Critiques?

When you develop a website, the web design can be attractive, good, fabulous and bad. But how will you know what is lacking in your website? Who will show you how to improve? Are those the ones that will view your website?

No, only relevant design critiques will show what your website is actually lacking and from these, you will be made aware about different viewpoints, action items as well as a complete overview as to how website should be made more enhancing.

Useful Design Critiques

For web designers, it is always necessary to stay updated with latest web design trends as the combination of new trends can help them to develop websites with new features that can help their clients to get more customers.

Hence, it’s useful to be aware about the new techniques and always learn from the design critiques. But how can we get these drawbacks that can help us to frame a better website? To get such useful critiques, here we have some tips for you.

Tips for Successful Design Critiques:

  • Be aware about current trends: The design must always be developed keeping in mind the current trends as this will help you to know what looks nice and what can be the better solution for your business. What design suits best to you and all things can be known easily.To get such inspirations, one can use websites like as Dribble that helps you to examine your website design before actually making it live. The main thing is to take a close look to the users, follow them on Twitter and then look at their portfolio.An important thing to keep in mind is to know why you liked the design that you are using for your website. Know the trend of any design and try to see how much it can be useful for conversion.
  • Keep in mind the questions that will be asked by clients: Just fantasize about the questions that client will actually ask once they see your design. Then, just get the answer to those questions but be sure to keep your answers brief instead of indulging in huge explanations.Try to present your answers via your design. You should be aware as to what points in your design will need extra explanation and then concentrate on those areas, make them your targets.
  • Think from users view point: Imagine any real person using your product or service and then you will actually find the things that are lacking. It’s not necessary that every project must have its deadline.Some users can help you to keep design accessible. Every time you see a tricky situation in design process, it’s necessary to view things from every view point like as what will be the reaction of users when they see new icons or how would they feel?Such things will help you to develop a website as per the users’ needs.
  • Go with Live user testing: If you really want to see what users will think while using your website then you can check it out by using live testing. Just open your site on your mobile and ask for the opinion of your friends.Parties are the good moments for live user testing however you must be concerned only with your job and this seems to be more fun rather than thinking about anything else. Get as many responses as you can as every response will have a good idea that can help you to improve.

Wind up

Once you get the proper feedback then it’s time to put it into action in order to improve your site or we can say upgrade your existing one with the latest trends. Try to make most use of your critiques and fix your problems. Best Designers can also get benefited from strong backing team.

Hence, make sure you follow your critiques and get an awesome design developed from well known Web Design Company, Softqube Technologies.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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