Which one is more preferable: Custom CMS or Pre-Built CMS?

October 27, 2015

Which one is more preferable: Custom CMS or Pre-Built CMS?

CMS aka Content Management system is widely used by many of the organizations. However, today still there are some people who are ignorant what actually this system? These can be new comers, beginners, freshers and more.

So, for them in a nutshell; we can explain CMS as a system where one can easily manage the entire website without the need of any coding skills. This means any XYZ person can create a professionally looking website quickly with this system.

Wide ranges of CMS solutions are available in the market and so one can choose the one that is suitable. However, such decisions are often confusing and hence once you go deeper; you will find that basically there are two types of content management systems available; Pre built and Custom ones.

Several CMS development companies in the market excel in creating custom CMS which perfectly matches the needs of the clients but before you go to any one of these; it is important to decide whether you want to go for custom CMS or pre built ones.

CMS Vs Framework

Both have their own benefits and drawbacks. So, here we have simplified your decision making process by providing you three main points based on which you can take a perfect decision.

CMS Selection Process Made Easy:

  • Know the limits: Everything in this world has positive and negative points and so before selecting a CMS solution; know its limits. If we talk about custom CMS; then it is designed completely as per your needs, imagination as well as the technical skills.

    You can also ask developers to create a CMS with a difference. Yes, of course; huge investments are to be made and important thing is you must have some sort of technical knowledge as without it; it may be difficult to manage the website with the help of custom CMS and you need to be with the developers constantly.

    While in case of Pre built CMS, you will get lots of customizable options and amazing things can be developed with the help of an experienced designer and developer. But here, you cannot completely use your imagination because only certain features can be edited.

    In case, you wish to make quick changes to your website and the content then Pre built CMS is the perfect solution for you within less investment as compared to that of custom ones.

  • Which one is more Flexible: When it comes to flexibility then custom CMS is more preferable because you are able to tweak it any way you want while in pre built CMS; there’s a certain limit up to which you can make changes.

    Hence, in case you want to add certain features then you may not be able to while this is very easily possible in custom CMS; you can add as many features as you want.

    So, basically it depends on what you want and what your business is in need of and based on that; you will be able to decide which CMS solution is perfect you but if you are the business owner then you can decide which one is best keeping in mind everything including the budget.

    Hence, if budget is not a concern and you want to enjoy complete flexibility then custom CMS is for you ( only if you have some technical knowledge) and if you wish to get the content updated quickly with the use of various plugins and extensions then pre built CMS will serve the purpose.

  • The most important – Price: Be it business, household or any enterprise; budget is the thing that affects everyone a lot. Normally, the cost of pre- built CMS maintenance is between 50 to 1000 dollars.

    This includes per month hosting cost, domain name registration, security services and assessments, storage and backups and some additional costs for premium or commercial plug-ins.

    On the other hand, the cost of using custom CMS is 4 -5 times more as compared to that of pre built CMS. So, always decide your budget and scope and then think which one will be suitable to you.

    Also, be clear whether you wish to go out of your budget or stay within the same. Consider this thing; keeping in mind that website is the long term place that showcases your business on the internet.

In a nutshell; we can say be it custom CMS or Pre- built CMS; both have their own benefits and drawbacks but it depends on what serves your purpose and fits your requirements. What image you want your audience to have for you?

If you are a new venture, a start up then you can go for Pre built ones but for some time you need avoid some desires of having complex features because at initial stages; it may cross the budget however this is just an advice if you can afford then even if you are a start up you can opt for custom CMS but make sure to keep in mind that you must have some technical knowledge to edit the content.

On the contrary, large enterprises can also opt for Pre built ones; but custom ones can actually help you to have a system that matches your business. So, ultimate decision is based on what exactly you want the CMS do for you and based on that selection can be done.

Wind Up

Hope this blog post has made clear idea and serves as a perfect guide to make a selection between custom CMS and pre developed one. If you are in need of more such guidance then you can get in touch with web developer experts at Softqube Technologies; CMS development company India where required assistance is available for any CMS; be it custom or fixed one.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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