Web Development Tips that can Improve Website’s SEO

March 30, 2016

Web Development Tips that can Improve Website’s SEO

Investing in website business is a good decision and after investing; you will definitely wish to have lots of visitors on your website and then transform them into potential customers. Once you have a website then you will make efforts to make it visible among search results.

Here comes the role of SEO; that can help you to determine your website rankings. Search engine rankings are worthless because mainly websites must be optimized for conversions if you wish to get business from your website.

Website SEO

Rankings are not as important as what happens after the customer finds your website, showing up in search engines is important. Showing up for most relevant searches with high buying intent is much more difficult.

This is because there are various factors that play an important role in a Website’s SEO. Google has entire secret algorithm to measure these. One of the important factors is there are many businesses that ignore the site’s actual development.

In this blog post; we have mentioned various SEO focused web development tips that can help to get proper rankings for your website which it really deserves.

Web Development tips to enhance website’s SEO:

  1. Develop a Mobile Responsive Website: Today, most of the people use mobile or tablet device to view websites and some use both mobile as well as desktop or laptop computers to surf websites.

    Most of the people are slowly shifting from desktop to mobile for internet usage. Hence, if you want all the potential customers to view your website on every device then responsive design is preferable.

    With Responsive design; bounce rates can be reduced to an extent as Google now considers “mobile friendliness” while calculating the website’s SEO score.

  2. Keep Pages as small as possible: Images give an attractive look to the website however everything is ok when done in a limit; exceeding use of images can reduce the page loading speed. This reduces the SEO score.

    A good website company website equals the need for high quality images that have good typography and it uses words instead of text in graphics when possible. Make sure that your image files are smaller in size.

    It is advisable to resize the images before adding them to the website. Some content management systems resize an image by altering the height and width dimensions in HTML but this actually leads to the original image download.

  3. Use Caching: Page caching is yet a good way to help your page’s load time. When your page is cached; it is stored on visitor’s browser as a static HTML version of your site. This means when a visitor returns to your site then they don’t have to reload the entire page.

    While developing your site; you can identify whether the page is cached or not and who can cache it and how long can it be stored for?

  4. Integrate with Social media sharing on Blogs, News, Press releases: Sharing your website on social media is a good way to boost your site’s SEO. Make it easy for people to share your content on social media profiles with the use of sharing buttons or toolbars.

    This will help you to directly place a link to your page in such a way that all followers can see it with just a simple click of the button. This is one of the great chances to make most use of free marketing.

    It’s not necessary to have social media icons at the top of every page; at times these can be available at the bottom as well.

  5. Go for better usability: Good SEO is not just about keywords. It is necessary to have a good experience to customers to visit your website. Usability really brings several things that one must pay attention to:
    • Content: Do you think your website acts as resource for potential customers?
    • Design: Do you think your website is designed well enough and is easy for navigation?
    • Development: What is your webpage loading speed? Does it work properly with all browsers?
    • Responsive web design: Do you think your website is readable on mobile phone?

Bounce rate is the website metrics that is to be measured. Websites having higher bounce rates will help you to make usability improvements to a page as people are visiting and leaving. A company’s website can serve many purposes and one of them is to help you boost up the business.

Take Away:

With these web development tips; you will be easily able to develop a website that can help you to boost rankings.

For more such tips and tricks, stay connected with Softqube Technologies providing cost effective web development services in India.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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