How to Make Readers Stick around Your Blog?

November 1, 2015

How to Make Readers Stick around Your Blog?

We all are familiar with the word “Bounce Rate”. This means that less interactive your website is the quickly people will leave from there. So, how can you make people stick to your blog or we can say your website?

It is necessary that people spend more time on your website or read the entire blog. In technical terms, this is known as Bounce Rate. It is an important concept in the SEO field. The more the bounce rate the less traffic your website will have and vice versa, less bounce rate more traffic.

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High bounce rates can also reduce the Google rankings. This means that there’s some issue with the content which you need to fix. So, how can you tempt people to read your entire blog instead of just clicking it?

Here are some tips that can help you to develop such great content which tempts readers to read entire content. These are as follows:

Tips that make audience stick to your blog:

  • Short posts are necessary: Shorter posts are attracted the most. People take time to read shorter posts as compared to the longer ones. But still, your posts should not have less than 400 words.

    Too small contents can also be a problem from SEO view point. Hence, always maintain a blog post that contains 400-500 words. These are good for simple topics and complex topics can be 1000 words long.

  • Stick to one single topic in the post: Never mix two topics in a single blog post as this confuses the readers. One blog post should explain or provide information for only one topic and another can be explained in other one. Be consistent and coherent as this will help to maintain the attention of readers.
  • Proper format is important: The look and feel of the content should be appealing. It should actually create interest in the readers. It is necessary to have sufficient white space around the text.

    Every line of the text must be fairly brief. This means one line should not contain more than 80 words. Avoid using the Blog Format which avoids people from reading it.

  • Write short paragraphs: Every paragraph must have at the most four sentences. Such small paragraphs are good to read instead of those huge paragraphs full of text. Lists and bullet points are useful here.
  • Avoid stuffing your content with keywords: A proper blog post must contain more information than keywords. You are not writing the post just to use it as a means for marketing but it is actually for readers who can get benefitted from it in some or the other way.

    So, avoid using more keywords in the content. Use keywords only once or twice in the entire content.

    SEO Keyword stuffing can actually lead to low SEO rankings and Google can also levy penalty on you. So, save yourself from penalties and write informative contents instead of those having more keywords.

  • Make it easy to explore: The main aim of the blog post is to keep readers engaged and provide them necessary information. So, always divide your blog posts in different categories in such a way that readers find it easy to get the topic of their choice.

    The articles must be tagged properly. Always use side bar space appropriately. Use enticing links to the important content.

  • Make use of Internal links: Provide necessary information to your content by including links inside your article to the additional content on the blog or website which will provide more detailed overview of the topic thus helping the readers to understand it in a better way.
  • Include a fascinating Call to Action: Readers must be asked to get in touch with you because they will not be aware what you need. So, if you want your readers to take action then ask them to do so.

    Every post you write must include a straightforward action. At the end of the blog post; you must leave something for readers to do. So, always include an amazing Call to Action at the end of the blog post or else readers will be confused what to do when.

  • Always include current hip and happenings in the blog: To keep readers glued to your blog; it is necessary to post blogs that are related to current news and trends. This shows your readers that you are aware about the latest trends.

    So, we can say that it is equally beneficial to you as well in case there’s any news that is related to the products and services offered by you. An update about the product that is offered by you will also help readers to understand and relate it in a better way.

  • Make your Blog Successful: A blog should always offer something fresh to the readers every time he/she visits it. Regular updates are a basic need for a blog to be successful and popular.

    Certain websites begin with a fresh start but then fail to maintain it and add fresh content regularly. As a result, readers don’t prefer to read your blogs on daily basis. Nobody wants to read the same old content again and again.

    So, maintain a regular updating schedule by hiring a blog writing service before you start losing your readers. This service will help you to keep your blogs dynamic and fresh with regular periodic updates. This will enhance the readers’ interest.

Wind Up:

So, for most of the website owners this blog post will serve as a perfect guide. If you have any other such tips then do share them with us. Also, do follow these tips and let us know how much your bounce rate has actually improved.

As reduced bounce rate means your content is really working and this in return will help you to get more readers which can ultimately get converted into regular visitors and then finally your customers.

In short, great content is an ideal weapon to boost sales.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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