Adobe Plans to Make Enterprise App Development Easy
March 1, 2016

Till now, it has been difficult for developers to create Enterprise apps while making them attractive and easy to use. Mobile apps are integral to business enterprise and hence most of the brands struggle to build, manage and deliver mobile experiences that have accepted by customers.
According to Adobe’s experienced manager; Mobile brings simplicity, functionality and design as expected in Enterprise apps. The fragmented solution landscape was much liked by web site developers along with the advent of content management systems that provided new technology to transform web development.
A new product launched by Adobe; Adobe Experience Manager Mobile which treats apps as first class citizen in multi channel content experience thus allowing marketing managers and creatives to populate apps with existing content via template based authoring.
What is New in this Product?
The company offers Content producer service APIs to help third party developers integrate with new solution thus getting content from other CMS systems, product databases, ERP/CRM systems and lots more.
- For creating apps as well as extension of existing apps: Solution uses quick application development techniques to make app targeting iOS, Android and Windows. With the use of these intuitive design tools and frameworks, designers and marketers can create beautiful screens and touchy navigational structures, all with native working code. This beats the inefficient workflow by 50- 70%.
- For extending apps or bringing modern functionality to legacy apps: The solution comes with Apache Cordova technology which means enterprises can devote development resources to extend applications, access device sensors, local storage and all other mobile components which make apps sing.
All applications can be managed under one Dashboard. Apps developed under other systems can also be managed here. It includes in built Adobe marketing services thus making developers free from the need to integrate such services with point solutions that need API and SDK maintenance over time.
It comes with critical marketing services so that you must not worry about various integration points and ongoing maintenance which helps to get contracts from multiple vendors. Customers can get up and start performing with Adobe Analytics within just few minutes of logging into their accounts for first time.
More marketing cloud services will be integrated in coming months. All of these functionalities results into four step workflow thus creating app experience by getting existing assets or creating new content and connect to app data by integrating with third party APIs and business systems; manage and publish apps across all platforms and devices with the dashboard and then measure the impact of creations with built in analytics.
Brands that wish to gain more customer experience and loyalty must know how important it is to deliver standout mobile app experiences. The company said mobile app initiatives remain separate, silted efforts with few connections to the rest of brand’s digital experiences thus driving up costs and lowering business activities.
This new system from Adobe integrates content, management and publishing functionality into a unique package which motivates marketers and allows brands to realize the complete value of mobile app investments.
Take Away:
Make use of this adobe system to strengthen the development of mobile apps. Use it and let us know how it makes enterprise app development easy. Liked this post! Don’t forget to share your views with us.
Stay in touch with Softqube Technologies; provider of Mobile application development services at affordable rates.
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