Brief Overview of .NET Framework

September 2, 2014

Various software development platforms are available in the market. Softwares are the need of today. .NET is one of the software framework developed by Microsoft in 1990s. The first beta version of .NET framework was developed in the year 2000.

Programmes written for .NET framework are executed in a software environment known as Common Language Run Time which provides services such as memory, security management and exception control. Moreover, it includes a huge class library known as Framework Class Library that provides user interface, database connectivity, data access, web application development and numeral algorithms and network communications.

Software is developed by programmers by integrating some of its own source code with the already code in .NET framework. This framework is intended to be used by many new applications developed for Windows Platform. Microsoft also provides an integrated development environment especially for .NET software and it is known as Visual Studio.

History of .NET Framework Versions Release:

.NET Framework version Included in Visual Studio version Features
1.0 Visual Studio .NET Introduced CLR 1.0

Object-oriented Web application development support

Use of DLL class libraries

1.1 2003 ASP.NET and ADO.NET Improvement

Built-in support for mobile ASP.NET controls

Security Enhancement

Built-in support for ODBC and databases

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) support

2.0 2005 Introduced CLR 2.0

Generics and generic collections

Partial classes

Nullable types

Anonymous methods

Introduced many new controls and features to ASP.NET

3.0 2005 Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

Windows Communications Foundation (WCF)

Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), and CardSpace

3.5 2008 Built-In AJAX Support


Dynamic Data

Multi-targeting Framework Support

4.0 2010 Introduced CLR 4.0

Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)

Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR)

Task Parallel Library

4.5 2012 Features Enhancements to CLR 4.0

Async Support

Support for building Windows Store apps

Features updates in WPF, WCF, WF, and ASP.NET

4.5.1 2013 Improve performance and debugging

Automatic binding redirection support

Expanded support for Windows Store apps

4.5.2 2014 New APIs for ASP.NET and transactional systems

Resize system DPI in Windows Forms controls

Profile improvements

Improvements in ETW and stress logging

Factors to be considered in .NET Framework:

  • Interaction Between Applications: Normally, computer systems need to co operate with other versions as well. With .NET framework, complete access is available to all functionalities available in the newer as well as older programs that take place outside .NET development.
  • Common Language Runtime Engine: This serves as the delivery engine of.NET framework. Such programmes are executed under the guidance of CLR. This ensures certain properties and behaviours in the field of memory management, security and exception control.
  • Language Freedom: This software framework has a special common type system that defines all data types and programming that are supported by CLR and their interaction with other applications. This feature supports interchange of types and object instances among various applications constructed using any .NET Language.
  • Framework Class Library: This feature consists of various functionalities useful for all languages that use .NET Framework and it provides classes that cover various normal functions such as reading & writing any file, database interaction, XML document manipulation and much more.
  • Security: .NET Framework design focuses on some vulnerability like buffer overflows that have been used by malicious software. This framework provides a common security model for all applications.

Wrap Up:

Here, we have seen how .NET framework is useful as well as secure software development platform. Anyone can use it to get necessary software developed. However, to use this software till an extent you must be in touch with reputed Company for .NET Development like Softqube technologies.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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