7 Years of Softqube and Going Strong !!!

June 25, 2016

7 Years of Softqube and Going Strong !!!

Today is Softqube’s 7th anniversary. Many many congratulations to all !!!

It’s been an amazing journey so far, and I’m so grateful to be a part of it. Special thanks to all my colleague, employees and support staff.

People often ask if I always knew that Softqube would become where it is today. I reply with smiling face no way. Because I not start business with specific business plan, we (Me & Nitin) just put our best, our 100% without any expectation.

I remember getting pizza with my friend (Nitin) one night at the time of when we were doing the job at Vadodara. I told him I was excited to start with something new creative and innovative. Want to create one ideal workspace where everybody love to work and spend time in company. So, since that time, I was not think about from where we generate the business, my first priority was to create nice employee friendly environment.

I always thought this was important — provide best workspace or environment to my employee, who are crazy for innovative and creative solution with respect to client need.

When I reflect on the last 7 years, one question I ask myself is: What I achieved in last 7 years? It is all for just for few money or self satisfaction? Why were we the ones to build this company (Softqube Technologies)? We (Me & Nitin) were just simple employee like you. No its not for just self satisfaction, its all about share happiness with better life. Start with single employee and now its about 53. I say my family is very big, and this is the success for me.

That’s why I’m even more excited about the next coming 5 years than the last 7 years. The first 7 years were about developing relation and testing our self and test our own strength. Now we have the better resources and all are mature enough to solve any size and kind of problem.

I can say today, only one-third of the world’s population use technologies. In the next coming decade, we have the lots of opportunities coming on the way along with responsibility to grow more as lightning speed. If we are all together as a team and put our 100% without focusing on what others are doing, then there is nobody can stop us. We are united family and must be act like united family.

It’s been amazing to see how all of you put your best effort to build this company, on this day I would like to thank all our ex-employees who help us to grow the company. Softqube is the platform where we shared our happy moments and the painful ones as well.

I’m so grateful to be here and with your support to help run this company. I feel a deep responsibility to make the most of my time here and serve you the best I can. Here we don’t want to beat anybody, we just need to do better and better then from our history.

I wish all the best to Nitin as a CEO to make a new height for Softqube Technologies and achieve all the success, also would like to thank you Nikunj Manavadariya and Mehul Patoliya for putting his best effort to manage his department individually.

Thank you for letting me be a part of this journey. Its always been energise me when I see you all together.

Happy anniversary, Softqube Technologies and many, many more successful years to come!

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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