Android App Development : Google Approved Training Courses

June 2, 2015

Android App Development : Google Approved Training Courses

Wish to become rich by developing and selling Android apps? Yes many people wish to do so but lack behind because they don’t have proper coding skills. Sometimes, this is a reason for their regret and shame.

However, till the time you are alive on this earth; you can achieve this skill and be a programming expert. Yes, everything is possible if you wish. Always believe “Where there’s a will there’s a way”.

And the way is shown in this blog which will definitely surprise you. Yes, literally you will be surprised once you get to know that what you felt was hard to learn is actually very easy and available for free.

Android App Development Training Courses by Google:

Android App Development Training Courses

Yes, for Free! Google has now launched free training courses that are taught by expert Google instructors from the developer platform team. Along with the updation of well known Android app development course and launching advanced Android app development course, there are several courses that are available for beginners as well as expert developers.

Further, Google also offers some fun designing stuff which includes high performance apps, running the apps on watches, TVs, in cars and on various Google services like as Maps, Ads, Analytics etc.

Nano degree by Google:

Google also offers paid Nanodegree option where people can learn by focusing on where they actually wish to grow. This Nano degree is completely based on the skills of a person as well as the projects on which you have worked in past.

Yes, you can do only those courses in which you wish to increase your skills such as writing a code and developing projects that meet the eligibility criteria for Nano degree. Google will also invite its 50+ Android Nano degree graduates to its Headquarters in California.

Participants can experience Google’s culture and attend workshops that are solely dedicated to develop their career path and then these Android developers will showcase their skills that they have learnt from Google’s Udacity Android Nano degree project. This entire summit will last for two days.

So, if you are the one with a fire to become an expert Android app developer or if you wish to sharpen your App development skills or if you are an Android App development company who wish to train their employees and enhance their development skills then this platform is for you.

Never know you may be one of the next smart expert Android app developers who can develop apps like Whats App or Angry birds and become a millionaire.

Wind Up

Opportunity knocks once. Think and join as this small course can lead to the path of success thus providing a chance to become a millionaire. Don’t miss it.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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