Google’s Page Layout Penalizes Too Many Ads Above the Fold

November 29, 2014

Now, most of the people want such kinds of websites that can easily give accurate result just one click. As we know, lots of individuals are suffering from websites that contain many ads. But, it will not give good result as they want. Therefore, Google create a Page Layout Algorithm that can solve your issue without doing or putting any kind of effort.

Google Penalty

Google’s Page Layout Algorithm

The main aim of the Page Layout algorithm is redirected to the accurate website of the ads. As well as, give good result as the user’s need. The reason behind that, Google knows about the problem of ads and its results. So, they try to create such kind of application that can give the satisfaction to users.

Many individuals posted on the official blog of Google about the ads problem which is it can’t give result as they required. So, the owner of Google said I have seen lots of complaints on my blog and decide that I have to do something for others.

Actually the main complaint is when anyone clicks on result page so it is very difficult to find the original content. So, there is no person in this world who wants to waste their time. As we know, users don’t want to scroll down because they want to see the desired content right away.

As a result of this new update, those websites don’t have heavy content so they are heavily affected by this algorithm.When you click on any website and you see a little part of the website instead of useful content so the user will not feel good and they are not happy with this kind of experience. Therefore, these kinds of sites don’t get high rank and doesn’t come in search results.

When we ask a simple question for users, which is, if you get lots of ads above the fold on website so how you feel.The creator/ web spam manager give reply of this question is Google starts supporting to the individuals that they use those tools which can give the actual content of the page instead of giving the rest of the party. Through this way, Google browser size tools will help us and resolve the above fold ads issue.

We know very well that placing the ads on websites is very easy and common. It really helps publishers and gives excellent performance. This new algorithm doesn’t put any bad effect on these above the fold ads, but it will help to give the original/ actual content of the page which is described in the ads.

When you want to update the layout of your page so this algorithm will automatically change entire settings and we can easily re-crawl the pages as they want. As well as, you can easily access the contents of our page.

If you use Googlebot so you will have to wait few weeks for crawling because it requires a long time for this process. Therefore, page Layout algorithm will work better than rest ones and give desire results according to the users.

Wind Up

Avoid using more ads above the fold as any time your website can be caught by Google algorithms and you may be penalized. So, stay away from such practices and hire SEO Experts from reliable guaranteed SEO firm like Softqube Technologies to get the SEO services that strictly follow Google guidelines.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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