Get Your Google Analytics App Today

August 2, 2014

Times ago, it was really difficult to manage websites while being away from office however now it is not the case, as Google has come up with an app for web masters “Google Analytics” app that will be useful to manage websites easily.

Know Your website’s Statistics on the Go

Recently in July 2014, this app was launched especially for iOS mobile users to know about their Google analytics data. Irrespective of the place, they can easily access their website data that was available only on desktop or laptop before this app was launched.

This application serves as a boon for business people who really love their apple devices and love to manage their business on the go! Till today, iOS users were able to access their data with the help of third party applications. Now, a feeling of relaxation can be seen among the Apple mobile users as they gain access to their Google data from official mobile app of Google.

This app is getting the best ratings from iPad, iPhone and even iPod users. Yet, there were some negative feedbacks regarding login issues which are now solved. So, why this app is so recommended and what are its features? Here, we have mentioned some of these in brief:

  • Accretion Rates: With this app, a business owner can see how many visitors are coming to their website and from where they are re-directed. This complete information can be enjoyed on the screen. This screen also plays an important role to know if any landing page or newly launched campaign is able to gain traction or not.

    Whatever strategies you apply to boost your website’s traffic, you can see the performance of each and every strategy with this app. For instance, if you have started directory submission then it will show how much traffic that strategy is able to bring to your website.

  • Visitors Behaviour: Know the peak hours, peak days of the week when your website is visited the most; with several colour combinations this application provides a perfect data about the highest views at a particular time.
  • Visitors Location: This app gives the detailed information regarding the visitors’ location i.e. visitors from which country, region, district or state come to your website more often. This is helpful to know if you are able to reach your targeted audience or not and most useful for geo targeting markets.

    Along with all these features, there’s one drawback and that is the app is not much appealing as it seems to on desktop or laptop. So, the experience of using Google analytics on mobile will be quite different from that used on desktop.


The app may not the change the entire world yet it may change the way how people used Google Analytics. People working without any office, can easily carry on the work wherever they are. This app is must for those who constantly chase the competition. Being 100% free, it is most useful asset for online business. For further details about this app, feel free to get in touch with Mobile Apps Development Company, Softqube Technologies, India.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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