Digital Marketing and Bhagavad Gita – Part 2

March 13, 2016

Digital Marketing and Bhagavad Gita – Part 2

Welcome Back Friends, hope you had an amazing week and had successfully achieved the targets. Previously, in one of our blogs; we had compared digital marketing with two Gita quotes. Hope you enjoyed that post. If you have missed reading that post then click here.

Today, again; we are back here with some more Bhagavad Gita quotes which will be related to digital marketing. So, let’ begin:

  • Quote 3: God is with you always but you fail to realize it:

    Meaning of this quote in terms of digital marketing: Keep on analyzing the facts and figures as this will help you to get the solution for your problems. Understanding and analyzing analytics is important as it helps to reveal the hidden meanings as well as interpretations.

    It helps you to dig deeper and know about the psychology of the customer thus understanding the meaning of website. Most of the marketers and entrepreneurs are very much self absorbed that they forget to find their own drawbacks which may be the key reason to failure.

  • Quote 4: The world around you is the perception based on your prejudices which is shaped by fears and fuelled by ignorance and people around you also have the world made of their own perception that is created by prejudices, fears and ignorance. With wisdom, you are able to accept yours as well as others perception.

    Meaning of this quote in terms of digital marketing: In simple terms; we can say that SEO is actually connecting dots between information and ignorance.

    Since long; we consider SEO as a deep secret. To explain SEO in simple form; we can say that it is like connecting dots between ignorance and information wherein your customer hits the search button to get some definite answers.

    At times; he may fear due to ignorance thus willing to get quick solutions to its problems. The task of digital marketer is to treat search query with empathy knowing about the fear that your customer has and based on that, you must position yourself in such a way that he/she gets the answer at right moment. It is necessary to know the reason behind any search query.

  • Quote 5: Everyone has a limited reality. It is necessary to break this limitation of yours as well as others even if they are unable to do so.

    Meaning of this quote in terms of digital marketing: Always consider conversion optimization as an important factor.

    According to Steve Jobs; customer doesn’t have to be aware of what they want. The aim of digital marketer is to fill the gap and allow customer to understand the product thus making it easy for him to get the things he/she is in need of.

    Conversion optimization is the technique that is used hardly by digital entrepreneurs and marketers in order to increase revenues and profits from the current traffic. Most of the marketers concentrate only on increasing traffic.

    Using several techniques like as heat map, A/B testing; one can break the limitations of website design and then enable customers to reach the target endlessly. It is necessary to know the reality of the world as well as that of customers and then the reality of business will emerge automatically.

Take Away:

Apart from the two discussed earlier; today we discussed three more of Gita quotes. We are sure that these quotes will help you to develop a perfect digital marketing strategy. Share your feedback with us about this post.

Stay tuned to know more about Gita quotes and Digital marketing.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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