Digital Marketing and Bhagavad Gita

March 6, 2016

Digital Marketing and Bhagavad Gita

Sounds interesting; Isn’t it? What? This post title; what else? Bhagavad Gita is the holy book of Hindus and it has included every aspect of life which teaches us how to live life. With the teachings of Lord Krishna, one can learn the art of living.

Today, in this modern world where we are constantly busy in making money; we have forgotten these principles and virtues and have learnt to behave the way people behave with us; we have forgotten ourselves our own nature because we are involved deeply in taking revenges.

The same Bhagavad Gita is now used to teach digital marketing. Surprised! Shocked! You might be but yes that’s true; today here in this blog post; we will learn digital marketing with some Bhagavad Gita quotes.

Digital Marketing and Bhagavad Geeta

So, Let’s Begin:

Generally, when it comes to digital marketing; we are messed up with things like Backlinks, black hat, increasing likes and using several tools to spin content. But, with these quotes; we are sure to know digital marketing in proper manner:

  • Quote 1: There are people who wish others to shape their view and then there are those who see the world from their own view point. The former one is the result of ignorance that is generated due to inertia and the later one is due to control which generates out of fear.

    When you are able to see the world from other’s view point then it is called pure wisdom which is generated out of empathy.

    How this quote applies to Digital Marketing:

    When you write the content, it must showcase the difficulties, pain points of the customers, content should reveal what customers feel. We all keep on saying “Content is King” but no one knows the exact way of creating this King.

    In order to achieve quality, use Pain, sufferings of customers to write the content. Content creation needs maximum resources. An easy way to write content is known what exactly Empathy means: To observe or see things from customer’s point of view.

    It is advisable to first identify the targeted customer and then keeping in mind that customer write the content. This empathy, kindness and focus can only be achieved when you are clear with the objective.

  • Quote 2: We believe outcomes must match expectations. This is because we want to control situation and when this doesn’t happen; we become angry; upset, unhappy and frightened.

    But we don’t show actions because outcome is uncontrollable and hence we withdraw with patience to showcase our helplessness.

    How this quote applies to Digital Marketing:

    If you opt for paid marketing then you need patience and guts. Accept Failure. The main drawback of any digital marketer is the fear of losing control over the ideas. Many of the brilliant campaigns are put to an end when results don’t come as expected.

    The quote describes the behaviour of an entrepreneur when he expects any outcome from a paid campaign and it is not as per his expectations then he/she becomes angry, upset, unhappy and frightened.

    In order to tackle this; always measure the unexpected outcomes and then face them strongly without avoiding them.

Take Away:

Sounds interesting again, Isn’t it? For now, we have covered only these two quotes because we feel that it may be difficult for people to digest it and put it into practice. Let’s know how this has impacted your behaviour towards digital marketing.

Do share your views about this post and stay tuned as next Sunday; we will again come back with more of these quotes.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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