The Battle Still Goes On – and PHP?

August 31, 2016

The Battle Still Goes On – and PHP?

Asp.Net and PHP are the two most popular technologies used to develop dynamic web applications with the best web services. As a programmer, you personally know which one is the best but there will be times when you will have to migrate to one of them if required. When this happens, you will need to select the best development tool in terms of architecture and functionality. When you try to think, a few questions keep hitting about the difference between the two of them, and which one is more advantageous over the other. These are some of the questions that you will face. Both platforms and PHP have their equal pros and cons. Both these platforms are used to build complex websites of different purposes like corporate, commercial or for a local use. Therefore, before you make the final decision, you will have to be sure about using them.

Dissimilarities Between Them:

Asp.Net is a set of technologies that is merged with the Microsoft .Net framework, whereas PHP is a scripting language. Both these languages are used to develop dynamic websites. ASP (Active Server Pages) is from Microsoft and is used only with Internet Information Server, which runs on Microsoft Servers also. On the other hand, PHP is an independent platform for programming and makes it easy to connect with various databases. Find out through the differences mentioned below by a PHP web development company:

  1. Expenditure: As you must have read above PHP is open source and can be downloaded free from the internet. Various modules too are available for free that are used along with plug in for coding and can be modified easily by a number of programmers using PHP. Whereas for, you need a Microsoft product such as windows for the operating system and a program like visual studio or Dreamweaver for coding. In turn, both these products are costly compared to PHP.
  2. Simple Code: PHP codes are simple to understand and are easy to write too. Therefore, when a programmer begins his career in PHP, he does not feel any pressure in understanding the code since its simple. However, ASP codes are just the opposite. They are a bunch of lines that are written for just a simple function, which makes it difficult to remember, and are complex too.
  3. Performance: PHP being an interpreted language makes it easy for it to run. This type of code runs directly from the code that is written whenever it is made to. On the other hand, Asp.Net is a compiled language and does not load fast since the application always runs from the beginning whenever it is made to. Hence, the performance of loading PHP code is much faster than Asp.Net.
  4. Database Compatibility: PHP is flexible since it uses MySQL for database connectivity and can be accessed for fee. Asp.Net uses MS SQL for database connectivity and hence is expensive since MS SQL is a product of Microsoft and it is compulsory to purchase a licensed one.

In the end, I just want to conclude that both the programming languages have their own advantages and disadvantages as per the user requirement. From the above explanation given, it states that both the programming languages have their own significance as per the budget too. Information that is available online has always stated that is capable enough but PHP is always been in demand since small businesses can afford it and it becomes easy for a PHP web development company to make it. PHP is unable to provide the e-commerce application development since Asp.Net has always been in demand for this type of feature. Hence, both the languages have their importance and priorities.

To find out which one is best for your business, it is advisable to talk to the experts at Softqube Technologies, who with their years of experience can give you the best advice.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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