Why it’s Necessary for Business to Create a Mobile Website?

February 18, 2015

Have you seen anyone without mobile now days? Mobile is now the most loved thing of every person. Be it internet, chatting, surfing, online shopping everything is now easily done with the use of smart phones. Hence, businesses have to meet the latest trends and as a result there’s a dire need to develop mobile websites because generally now very few people depend on laptops to access a website.

Hence, today is the era where mobile website is a need as it is an important tool that greatly affects marketing of the firm. For success of any business, mobile website is required. Again, some visitors will wonder if it’s necessary for every business to have a mobile based website and our next paragraph is an answer to this question:

Mobile websites Mandatory for businesses like:

Responsive Web Design

Almost every business needs responsive website however few are such that cannot do without it and most of these include a mass of consumer facing industries which directly need to communicate with customers and have quick benefits from the mobile website.

A simple logic is that now days business can be done anywhere everywhere, it has not been limited to any office or a particular location. It’s like everywhere you go your business follows. Be it companies like Instagram who prefer desktop websites but today the trend is priority to mobile websites and then comes the thought of desktop one.

Businesses that need to interact with customers on daily basis or at several occasions for them mobile websites are needed. If we think about examples of such businesses then we can include those dealing with sales and marketing, retail business owners, ecommerce and more.

These are just examples, any and every business can develop mobile website because it actually pays you what you need. Such businesses actually gain maximum measurable benefits and as per the study businesses that go mobile actually generate maximum returns. Apart from online shopping, brick and mortar businesses can also be benefitted from it.

Further to know how exactly you will be benefitted from a mobile website, here are some key points:

  • User Experience: It becomes easy for user to see a link, share it among friends via mobile. This increases the user experience. If the website is well optimized for mobile then chances are there to gain maximum views. Business reach will extend to a number of users.
  • Maximum time Spent: Comparing the time users spend on desktop websites, more time they spend on mobile websites because users love to spend time on mobile and so if your attractive website is available on mobile then it is of top benefit to your business as the time people spend on any website is considered to measure the success of any website.
  • Improved Mobile SEO: Google is the SEO God. What it says, all website owners have to follow it to stand still in the search results. So, now as per Google it is recommended to develop responsive websites and in case that’s not possible then it’s necessary for business to develop another HTML website that serves mobile users. In either ways it’s important to have a perfect mobile optimized website as this increases the chance of higher Google rankings.

    Ref by: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6wl8j0V-Rk

  • Get benefitted from Competitive Advantage: Everyone wants to be ahead of competition however very few are able to achieve that mark. The reason is competitors are already ahead of you and the time we reach that level they have already progressed.

    So, it should be like we need to think about how we can go ahead of competitors and mobile websites are one of the ways we can do so. Yes, competitors may already be there with an attractive mobile website but then we need to examine it and see how we can be their competitors.

    It’s very simple like it’s rightly said to reduce the height of long stick put a longer stick in front of it. Same logic applies here; we need to design better websites to be the toughest competitors.

Wind Up:

There are some more advantages which can be discussed because the demand is such that benefits are endless and that’s why everyone must have a responsive website because it’s now the part of your marketing strategy without which almost half of the revenue will be reduced.

So, keeping in mind this latest trend make sure you get a mobile website developed by any well known responsive website development company like Softqube Technologies. Yes, of course redesigning the website is also a good choice but it should be properly visible on the mobile or tablet device and once you get in the hands of such experts, your worry about quality completely vanishes.

Don’t hesitate. Give a call and experts will be there at your help in no time.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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