Web Designing Trends for the Year 2016

December 2, 2015

Web Designing Trends for the Year 2016

Web Designing is one of the IT sectors which keep on updating every now and then. 2015 will end soon and so most of the designers will now start preparing strategies to achieve success and obtain goals in the New Year.

Let’s find the new web design trends which will help to develop a perfect website for our clients. So, let’s begin:

Web Design Trends for 2016:

Some of the web design trends that were present in 2015 will also be applicable in 2016. These trends will still continue to dominate the visual world. Beyond modern minimalism which has dominated the web design world since iOS7.

There are some of the anticipated changes and some of the trends which can bring internet by storm are as follows:

  1. Flat Design: In 2015, we saw many websites following this trend. It started from 2010 and even now it is available with few noticeable movements. The flat design is a relatively new trend.

    Its origins can be traced back to 1940s and 1950s when the Swiss style had launched. Like most of the design trends, this flat style is simply the new form of an older design trend which featured some of the characteristics like extreme minimalism, grid layout, San Sarif fonts and the lack of three dimensional elements like as Shadows and Gradients.

    In order to know the exact difference between the two; you can take a look at the image below:

    Flat Design

    Here you can see flat design as well as Flat 2.0 and the difference between the both. The image on the left shows a design which completely lacks the dimensional elements and while on the other hand, the design on the right includes highlights, gradient shadows and drop shadows.

    As per the UX design platform, the new and improved version of flat design includes following:

    • Long Shadows
    • Bright Hues
    • Sans Serif
    • Ghost Buttons
    • Minimalism
  2. Functionality: Another useful trend that will follow its current evolution path is Functional minimalism. This is characterized by removing all the elements which distract users from the main page content.

    Minimalism dominates the web for its simplicity and elegance. This trend makes things easier for designers while the opposite is actually true. Minimalism catches more attention to the few objects of a page.

    It can be two three or as little as one main element. All these must be chosen with great care and deliberation.

  3. Originality: With the current trend of replacing anything which seems to be produced with custom products, original creations like as hand drawn elements will definitely increase the popularity.

    There are certain websites that combine custom illustration with detailed animations and these will be followed by those who want to differentiate themselves from thousands of other sites which offer a similar user experience.

  4. Container designs: In 2016, we will see more of the UI patterns which are made highly popular by well known sites like as Pinterest and Google+. This grid based design is harmonious and functional and is well suited for a web world which supports functional minimalism and elegance.

    The main advantage of this type of design is the ability to present self contained bits of information in a logical and easy to understand format. In case the design is not done right, it can look cluttered and risk appearing like that of Facebook and Pinterest.

  5. Typography with Dramatic Flair: Apart from achieving legibility; typography is one of the design choices which deliver a message on its own. Certain characteristics of typography include:
    • Extremely large or extremely small typography
    • Typography imposed over images
    • Typography used in unconventional ways
    • Designing own typography to reflect your own brand
  6. Boosting Interactivity: To offer a completely engaging experience for users; interactivity will constantly characterize the sites which aim to engage visitors from the payment they are redirected to a page till the moment they leave and purchase the items.

    Features of Immersive sites are as follows:

    • Card UI Patterns
    • Micro Interactions
    • Long Scrolling
    • Parallax Scrolling
    • Clicking and Swiping
    • Animation and Video
    • Smooth transitions.
  7. Innovative Animations: The reduction in use of Flash animations has not completely removed them from the market. Animations are still used in websites however these are not the Flash ones.

    Today, the popularity of CSS animations have increased and this has offered new world of possibilities for web developers and designers. The animations which will be widely used in 2016 are as follows:

    • Loading Animations
    • Animations which are used to reveal hidden menus
    • Hover Animations
    • Slide Shows
    • Subtle motion
    • Motion activated via mouse movements
    • Animations in background
  8. Bold use of Colours: Bold colours are widely used in professional websites. This trend is used well in combination with flat design principles as it prevents minimalist site from becoming too boring and simplistic.

    Few trends that will continue to dominate the web design world are as follows:

    • Monochromatic Schemes
    • Bolder use of accent colours
    • Colour modified as per the website layout
    • Colour which changes when the cursor hovers over an element
  9. Hero Headers: An important website design trend which will be used in 2016 is the use of huge HD hero images which easily catch the attention from the outset. These appear as the hero headers which completely get the customers involved with the use of stunning photography along with text, image slider, animation and a video.
  10. Storytelling and Interaction: A well designed website differs from the exceptional one in the way it makes interaction easier with the user. Certain websites implement story telling with a guided questionnaire which is a perfect means to make a site about the visitor. Story telling is a powerful technique which is used to engage audiences.
  11. Long Scrolling: Very few websites make use of long scrolling trend however still this trend will get continued in 2016 as well. The reason of its continuity is it keeps users engaged for a longer span of time as compared to sites where same amount of information is spread across several pages.
Wind up

So, in 2016 you can use any of these trends to develop a perfect website for your clients. If you know more of these then let us know so that we can use them too.

In case you have any questions or would like to know more about such website trends then stay in touch with Softqube Technologies; a well known Web Design Company in India.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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