4 Important Factors of Web Page and User Interface of the Website

July 29, 2019

4 Important Factors of Web Page and User Interface of the Website

Website designing and development is into the world from many decades now. So, it is very much obvious there are a lot of things that has already defined to design and build websites. Sometimes developers do consider these things and sometimes they don’t. But in here are going to talk about 4 important factors of web page and user interface of the website.

We have talked to a lot of individuals to know what they do think about these things. However, there are a lot of terms that a developer needs to follow. But, as per user point of view, we are sharing few of the terms here to understand different status code of webpage, which enables the website owner to make the web page experience good for their visitors and clients.

To begin with, here are the status code and how it influences the website design and development process.

301 redirect

According to the definition, it is used when there is a permanent redirection of a URL to a new one. It is used mostly in case of old site to a new one, or when the website owner knows that which URL he/she wants the website to get cached and index for.

301 redirect

What’s its use

Usually, at the time of website redesigning, there are some links that get changed. So, it is on your to ensure that the Search Engines should be able to find and read the content. The 301 status code of redirecting offers search engines like Google instruction to search the new pages.

404 redirect

As per the definition, it is an error webpage that appears in front of the user, when they are trying to look out for a page, which does not exist or has removed from the services. It is most commonly happens, when the site visitor is wrongly typing the URL or trying to access a page that is no more on the site’s server. A properly designed 404 webpage should have the information that why it is showing 404 and what users can do next.

404 Page Not Found

What’s its use

Website visitors are going to experience the page in care they are having the URL that are no longer exists. Build a 404 webpage that as a purpose like directory to allow the visitors with information to stay intact on the site.

508 Compliance/ Accessibility

According to a definition, the accessibility concern of the website is making a website or webpage accessible by the individual with any sort of disabilities. All the websites that has been developing in recent times should pursue the guidelines set under the Disabilities act by the Americans.

508 Compliance

What’s its use

It is as well called as 508 Compliance. It has a set of guidelines on a website that run by the GSA. Usually, ensure that individuals with disabilities are able to use and access the webpage or a website on a whole. It means that fonts should be legible and clear, images need to be tagged with proper name, to make it readable for visually impaired individuals. This set of rules is still only needed for Government sites. By saying that, it is always a great thought to ensure that the site should be compliance with the guidelines. There are many online tools available to check the status. The website admin can run a quick report to make your aware what issues are required to be resolved that makes your site also compliance.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

As per the definition, this involves graphical elements, like icons, windows and buttons. The term was developed in 1970s to isolate graphical interfaces from text ones, like the command line interfaces. Though, in recent times all the digital interfaces are GUIs.

Graphical User Interface

What’s its use

This facility will make the computers accessible to everyone. Without presence of GUI, only programmers can use computers in an effective manner.

These are several terms that website designing and development professionals do follow while developing a website. To know more, get in touch with an experienced website development company.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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