Must Use Analytics Tools for Internet Marketers

December 21, 2014

Now days, everyone is realizing the value of online marketing as well as importance of Social media in reaching the online viewers. Word of mouth publicity has become more popular with the effective use of social media sites like Face book, Twitter Analytics Tools.

Almost nearly 80% of companies are using a social media strategy to boost their online page rankings while some of them are almost unaware about this. With the use of effective analytics tools, businesses are able to know the perfect scenario of user interaction with the posts in order to know which strategy works and which doesn’t.

Here, we have listed some of the Online Marketing Tools that will help to utilize social media sites in a better way:

    • Google Social Analytics: Those who are aware about Google analytics will find this tool very easy to use. This new tool has an added social reporting feature which permits you to include social media results. This tool is completely free.With Google’s Social media report, you can easily know about the viewers discussing about your site on social media. It also shows the number of hits via Like, Share and Plus buttons that are available on your website.
    • Sum All: Marketing efforts are separated among various different social media websites. So, it’s must for all digital marketers to have a package of analytic tools. SumAll is the answer to this. It’s a unique package that includes all social networking sites including Face book, Twitter and Google Plus in a single dashboard.It provides a complete picture view of how social media members respond to the posts. All the reports are directly delivered to your mail box. The report contains all the detailed information including number of tweets, likes and shares within a stipulated time frame. These all features are completely free of cost that give detailed analysis as well as individual reporting consultation.

Analytics Tools

    • Facebook Insights: Of all the social media sites, Face book is most popular one and so it becomes the vital part of social media marketing campaign. This tool is easily available to those who use face book business fan page. In order to use this tool, it is required to set up your own page.This tool shows the data about the users who view and like your page. Further, all information must be publicly displayed so that it is easily available. Insights give the details about number of page likes, posts seen and number of clicks on your post. This helps in identifying the type of post visitors love to see the most.
    • Twitter Analytics Tools: This is used to know the number of impressions received by every single tweet. Along with this info, twitter shows a bar graph that reveals total impressions received by an account within the time being of 28 days. It also provides the impressions and engagement rate for every post. Analytics are a great way to see the performance of every single social media campaign used to promote your business on social media. With these analytics data, one can make necessary changes in the campaign and make use of it again to promote business.

Wind Up

All of these analytic tools are available free of cost. You can try any of them or all and select the one that you think provides relevant results. If you feel that there’s a need of any expert to design a perfect social media campaign then Softqube Technologies, a well known Online Marketing Services Provider is there to help you out.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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