Be Ready for Google’s Mobile Search Update

March 14, 2015

Recently, Google has done some new announcements for mobile friendly websites. One of the important announcements is that from 1st April, mobile friendliness will be an important ranking factor and it will affect various mobile search update in each and every language all over the world and it will have a very deep impact in the search results.

We all know that 2015 is the year where mobile search update will be given enough importance and so irrespective of this announcement, mobile had already become the priority for search engines due to its well adopting capacity and growth.

Mobile Search Analysis
During recent years, Google has strongly laid the focus on mobile friendliness as it easily increases the visibility of sites. With its guide to best mobile practices as well as mobile friendly testing tool, Google has made complete efforts to help webmasters in maximizing their mobile experience.

With a view to increase the mobile optimization and take maximum benefit of mobile search, here we have listed few main important steps which can be followed easily

Improving mobile optimization status

Now, there are some people who already have a mobile ready site. To make it visible on the internet, it’s important to carry out some Mobile SEO audits so Google can easily determine the mobile content and show it in search results.
This can be done easily with the help of Google’s mobile friendly test tool as this ensures that all elements of a mobile website like as images, links, URLs are easily crawlable.

The test reveals the issues such as:

  • Any blocked areas of the sites that cannot be crawled or indexed.
  • Pages showing 404 errors
  • Errors found by smartphone GoogleBot.
  • Pages and XML sitemaps they are referred to.

Once the errors are found, these can be rectified and blocked areas can be removed so that these parts can be indexed easily.

Site Speed

Every mobile site must get loaded within 2-5 seconds. This is one of the important ranking factors for both mobile as well as desktop sites; Google’s Page Speed Insights tool can be used to identify the speed issues on the mobile site.

If there’s a need to redesign the website to make the site more mobile friendly then it’s necessary to take guidance from Webmaster’s mobile guide, Principle of Mobile Site design and Web Fundamentals.

Examine your mobile search Update visibility and traffic behavior

It’s necessary to get the report from Google’s webmaster tools regarding mobile search visibility and traffic behavior. This report will determine:

  • Difference between Top search queries and pages in mobile search update available in mobile search and desktop search.
  • The way people are searching the information on mobile and desktop.
  • Queries that have high click through rate irrespective of their position and those having low click through rate.
  • Pages that are trending upwards in traffic and rankings as well those trending downwards can also be determined.

Maintain mobile web search competitiveness and check the performance

Various tools like SEMrush, SearchMetrics, SimilarWeb and more can be used to determine the keywords that are generally searched and often used by mobile search update competitors.

These keywords will help to get more traffic. Further, these keywords can be classified into several categories and then keyword research must be carried out. Once the exact keywords are found, then you can use them and start tracking the progress.

This includes checking the pages that get good rankings for those keywords and then look at the competitors, know the reason for difference between the rankings with the help of mobile targeted competitive analysis.

This will give a perfect idea for mobile rankings, traffic, link building etc. Certain tools like Screaming Frog can be used to know the optimization level and popularity of ranked pages towards the targeted keywords to those of competitors.

This will further help to develop a relevant SEO strategy for mobile sites so that mobile web presence can be improved continuously and be ahead among competitors in terms of mobile search visibility.

Wind up

Hence, adopting these three techniques we are sure that you will be able to take proper benefit of mobile search update. If you wish to get a perfect SEO strategy developed for your mobile SEO, then be connected with Softqube Technologies, Guaranteed SEO Services provider in India.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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