Web Design Trends 2014

September 10, 2014

Web Design is a part of our business that represents it on the internet. With technology updating by leaps and bounds, every year designing trends also are updated. So, in our today’s blog we are going to discuss about the web design trends of 2014. 2014 has many new exciting things in terms of web design and we are here to have a glance on them.

Top Web Design Trends:

  • Interesting typography: Many designers keep on experimenting on different types of typography such as fonts with personality. These fonts are independent and not like normal fonts such as sans serif, times new roman etc. Web Designers are in constant search of various fonts that make their design unique and add variety to it making it look different from others. We can see many websites having unique fonts.
  • Smooth & simple Design: A simple and eye soothing design is recommended the most. An example of such flat smooth design is Apple’s iOS7. This operating system has a very good, simple yet elegant look as compared to previous operating systems that included gradient a shades and design that widen your eyes.

    In the field of technology, apple is believed to be a trend setter, things that apple does are quickly followed by other companies and it has maximum number of followers. The flat design of Apple’s Android app is followed by many websites up till now and this trend will last for years.

  • Introduction areas occupied with images instead of sliders: Now-a-days, instead of slide banners to be used in the introduction area, some images relevant to the business sector are used. These images contain a very little amount of text and this trend has become very popular.

    Very soon, we will see websites having no slide banners as these will get replaced by large images containing very small amount of text.

  • Focus on Responsive Web Design: We can see that the use of mobiles is increasing by leaps and bounds. So, it has become mandatory for every website owner to develop a website that is easily accessible on mobile as well as other tech devices such as smart phones, tablets, phablets etc.
  • Include videos instead of text: A movie explains a story in much better way than a story book does. We can say a video will be able to explain things in a better way as compared to text. A new trend of posting videos in the introduction areas of any website has arrived but it should not play automatically as soon as the website gets fully loaded. As there are people who may avoid watching it, don’t force viewers to see it. So, carefully make best use of the videos on your websites.
  • Wrap up:

    The list doesn’t end here. There are many more web design trends that are yet pending to be shared and which will be shared in our next blog. Till that time, try adopting these while developing your website or hire any web designers from our website design and development company in India – Softqube technologies.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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