What October has in Treasure for Web Designers in 2015?
October 13, 2015

Every month, there’s something new for web designers and developers. Today, in this blog post you will be aware about many productivity as well as educational tools, freelancing and start up resources, podcasts, inspiration sources and much more. Also, you will be aware about some awesome free fonts.
Whatsoever, we are discussing here is available absolutely for free. This can be high value paid apps or any tools that boost productivity. These will be useful to all designers and developers including beginners and experts.
Let us know in case we have missed something and you feel that must be included in our list. So, let’s begin:
New Tools for Web Designers:
- Fizzle: This is a tool that offers online business training as well as has a huge community of entrepreneurs which will be useful to people for support. Free subscription is available for 30 days and thereafter it is available for $35 for 30 days.
- Annex: This is a simple task tracking and productivity booster app. The main thing is this app is not automatic and so utmost attention is to be paid while using it.
- DayDeed: It is an application that allows users to make habits which will be useful to achieve goals. Things can be logged as and when needed. It is useful for daily tasks as well as weekly sessions and it can be used as a tool to measure our performance.
- Zube: An important tool for all designers and developers; Zube is a virtual task board which allows to manage GitHub issues easily. Issues can be sorted out, prioritized as per the need. It has both free and paid plans available.
- Freelancer Podcast: It is a weekly podcast available for designers, developers and writers.
- Web Flow: A virtual CMS that can be used for developing custom and dynamic websites. One can easily structure the content; develop custom designs and much more.
- BoxBox: This is an upcoming design tool that is developed only for screens. It has reusable components, responsive design and lots more.
- Project Comet: This provides a completely new way to design and develop websites as well as mobile apps. It can be combined directly with Photoshop as well as illustrator and thus it serves to be an all in one wire framing app that will be very much helpful to designers and developers.
- Adobe Portfolio: With this one can create an amazing beautiful portfolio that will be useful to display your creative projects. It easily gets synchronized with Behance and can be easily set up within few minutes.
- SYMU: This is one of the fastest ways to get in touch with your clients and discuss things related to designs. It’s very easy to use this tool, just upload the project for free and then you can approach your clients to leave comments.
Each and every comment serves to be a useful suggestion which will be then acted upon to make things better.
For example: You got one project related to web design. Now, first of all you will prepare a wireframe for the same and then based on that you will create the original design. Now, here if you upload the rough draft to SYMU then this will be easily visible to the clients and then they can add comments.
These comments will then help you to modify the design as per the needs and as and when changes are made; you can upload the changed draft to get the comments from the client. This will make your work easier.
- Pop Motion: It is 12kb JavaScript motion engine that supports animation, physics as well as input tracking.
- Corpus: It is CSS toolkit which uses Flexbox for the grid and is highly influenced by the BassCss white space module. This contains typography, buttons, forms, colours, borders, images and many more.
- Vector: It is a designing app which will be useful for print and web. Its desktop version can be downloaded or used straight away in the browser.
- Content tools: This is a small beautiful content editor that is entirely documented with an API to widen its usage.
- Rookie Guide: It is a tool that shows how android user interface can be transformed for iOs platform. For each different system, it will have a completely different look.
- Store house 2.0: It is a place where lots of new features like as enhanced privacy control are available. However, it doesn’t offer much of social media features but still provides options for sharing stories by text, email as well as social media.
- Sketch Palettes: This is a sketch plugin that helps you to save certain colours which will be useful to design an attractive website.
- Primer: This app is for those who wish to learn marketing lessons from Google. Every week new topics are added and they teach their students with the practical approach where one must learn itself by doing the things.
- Land. Io: This is a free UI kit as well as landing page design for sketch. This includes full screen image section, video player, pricing table, social sharing buttons and lots more.
- Stripe relay: Online shopping has become more popular now days. But today, the trend is to shop from eCommerce sites using their apps. We know recently Flipkart shifted to app only purchases.
Stripe relay is a tool that allows customers to purchase products directly from their mobile apps. This helps you to sell the products in several numbers of apps like as selling directly through twitter or any apps like as ShopStyle and Spring.
Wind Up
These are some of the very useful tools for web designers that will help them to create an amazing design. For more such updates, stay connected with Softqube Technologies, Web Design Company in India where dreams are transformed into reality with the help of expertise and knowledge related to every business niche.
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