Tips for Publishing Press Release for SEO

February 15, 2015

For some press releases are now outdated and such people will be surprised to know that press releases are still used in many SEO campaigns because there are some SEO experts who still believe that Press releases have major effect on the rankings and thus the value that press releases possess is still to be questioned.

And there are some SEO companies that still include press release as a part of their SEO Model. Well, if you are one of the SEO companies like Softqube Technologies that include press releases in their Guaranteed SEO Services then this blog post is for you.

Tips that can make Press release useful for SEO:

  • Avoid publishing press release frequently: Companies that use Press release generally tend to publish it frequently even if they don’t have any matter that actually is meant to be used in press release. Generally, no one is interested to read content that is of use and that doesn’t contain any useful information nor has any value.

    An important thing is that press release should occur organically. It means if you have any stuff that is actually worth to be included in press release then only it should be published or else it should not be considered.Tips for Publishing Press Release for SEO
    Let’s say if anything new happens in the company say “New office inauguration”, Branch opening or inclusion of new services or any such thing that actually is required by people to know then for such cases, it’s viable to use press release.

  • How readers can reach to the Press Release? As discussed earlier, any news about the company that is important to be shared with public and make readers aware about it should be included in press release.

    It should be interesting enough that people love to share it with friends and well wishers and whom they think they should share with. The more shares a press release has, the more value it gains and possibilities are there that it may be get good exposure in any well known journals and a chance to reach wider range of audience.

  • Make most use of Social Media Users: Develop your press release in such a way that it is easily shared and picked by social media users. This can be easily done by sharing the press release on the company channels and ask the staff members to share it as much as they can.

    All social sharing buttons should be available in press release so that it can be easily shared by anyone.

  • Perfect SEO tool: When press releases are used as a part of SEO strategy then it can be serve as a perfect SEO tool in case if it’s picked up by any journalist or any blogger who wishes to describe your company in detail. This generates a positive impact on the minds of readers about the brand and the company. As per Matt Cutts, only press release link is not enough, it should have the stories that are actually to be followed.

So, in a nutshell; SEO oriented Press release must possess reader engaging content, must include latest news about the company and must be written keeping in mind that it is to be selected by any journalist or blogger as this will increase the value of press release. So, it should be used as a way to announce any latest happenings of the company and not as a marketing tool.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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