Questions One Must Ask a Joomla Web Developer Before Hiring

January 11, 2016

Questions One Must Ask a Joomla Web Developer Before Hiring

Are you thinking to you use Joomla for your next web design project? You might be thinking to hire a Joomla Web Development firm or outsource the tasks to any well known Joomla web developer.

There are thousands of options to develop a website but sometimes it becomes difficult to choose the one from the crowd. Here, in this blog post; we have included certain questions that will make this task easy for you.

Joomla Web Development

So,let’s take a look at these things that one must cover before hiring any Joomla website development company:

  1. Keep your website content ready: Have you written your website content? Or are you in search of a copywriter? It takes sufficient time to write good content for your website.Also, content is the base of any website. Google demands good quality content. So, the first thing is to keep the content ready. Certain websites have a standard content structure. One can make a site blueprint for the same and begin to write content accordingly.There are many firms that offer copywriting services. Get in touch with one of them.
  2. Outline the functions that you need in your website: A website can have several functionalities. Most of the hours are required to identify the project need.Think how you want your website to be and what elements would you like to have on your site. It can be anything like as:
    • Blog Component
    • Photo gallery
    • Online store
    • Online surveys
    • Google Maps Integration
    • Social Media Integration
    • And lots more

    With the thorough understanding of the project; it will become easy for you to provide the quote.

  3. Know the difference between Developer and Designer: Are you looking for developers or designers? You got confused, right? Yes, this happens with most of the people.

    A designer varies from developer in several ways. These are as follows:

    • Joomla Designer: Joomla website designers can create amazing websites and can use Joomla to manage the content. They can focus on many several things but the most important they will focus on great looking design, user experience as well as how the site gets bonded with the branding.
    • Joomla Developer: Joomla developer is the one who is capable of doing difficult coding as well as inner working of Joomla and its plugins, modules and components.In case you need customization done for Joomla shopping carts or other such elements then developer is the one with whom you can get in touch with and get the task done.

Questions one must ask a Joomla Web Design Company:

  1. What you own when the Joomla site is developed?It is an important point to be discussed. Hence, it is necessary to understand the things that will be owned by you and that won’t be.Usually domain names will be set up by certain web design agencies. Along with this, they will offer hosting, email, analytics and other relevant elements on their own accounts.

    This should not be the case. You must own everything including a domain name, hosting service, email and analytics.

  2. Within what time frame will the website get developed? The time taken to develop any website usually depends on the type of project. This includes the time for various things like design approval, copywriting, photos to be sent and all the necessary information that web designers use to develop a website for you.
  3. Will your Joomla website be mobile friendly?Now days, mobile have deep importance. We can see everyone including you and me using mobile devices to surf internet or chat with friends using apps like Whatsapp.Hence, it is necessary for a website to be mobile friendly. So, always demand for responsive web design.
  4. Billing Process for developing websites?Everyone works for money. Money is important in everyone’s life. Hence, it is necessary to get the billing details cleared before initiating the project.There are firms that have upfront payment process then there are those who take part in advance and part after completion of the work. So, understand the process completely to get bills as per your expectations.
  5. What will you include in my Joomla website?Make sure to get it cleared as to what functionalities they are going to add in your Joomla website. You can also get several other additional functions added but it is advisable to know your own requirements before contacting the firm so that unnecessary wastage of time and resources is avoided.
  6. What about SEO of my Joomla site?This is the question that every website owner asks for. Hence, it is necessary to understand the difference between SEO friendly and SEO optimized site.
    • SEO Friendly: This means that search engines will easily be able to crawl your website and get copies of the pages which can be used in the index. But it is not necessary that you will be visible in Google search results.
    • SEO Optimized: This means that your content and keywords are optimized via SEO copywriting and proper updation of title tags, description tags, internal links and other such elements on your website.
    • SEO Friendly is not always SEO Optimized: There’s huge difference between the two and few are aware of the same. SEO friendly doesn’t mean your website will rank #1 in Google.
  7. What is your website security?Another useful question is how my Joomla website will be secure. Always know what developers are going to do to save your website from hackers.
  8. Are there any ongoing costs involved?Joomla is available for free download. Hence, as such there are no ongoing costs apart from hosting service and domain name.In case, the firm is offering any additional services like SEO copywriting, Joomla support packs then these can have additional fees.
  9. Who will be responsible for adding the content?This depends on the mutual agreement between you as well as the agency that you have hired for your website project.
  10. Does the agency offer any additional support once the website is developed?

    Most of the companies offer limited support while some charge on hourly basis for each ticket you submit regarding any concern or query. So, know beforehand about the type of support your agency can provide you.
Take Away:

There are many such questions that one can ask before hiring any Joomla Web Development or Joomla web development company. This is it for now. We will definitely more details with you in our upcoming blogs.

Wish to get your Joomla website developed from experts? Then stay in touch with Softqube technologies; a well known Joomla web development services provider in India.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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