Things To Be Considered Before Installing WordPress Plugins
August 7, 2015

Is your word press website lacking some features? Do you wish to add them to your website to suit your business needs? Then, WordPress plugins will serve the purpose. These plug ins can save your time as well as increase the website speed thus improving SEO.
With Plugins, developers and web designers get the ability to develop flexible websites very easily and quickly. WordPress Plugins directory has 20,000 plus plug ins which are important components of WordPress ecosystem. However, if we use too much of these then our website can be exposed to several of these risks.
So, what’s the issue with Plugins?
Sometimes, you may find websites running very slowly and at times they may have very less speed. This can be due to excess use of active plugins. Yes, you might get shocked but websites may tend to perform in a very poor manner.
For example: One of our clients faced issue of poor website performance. When the matter was inspected, we found that more than 60 plugins were active. However, the issue is not of active plugins but it is of poorly developed plugins.
Certain problems that can occur with excessive use of plugins:
- Reduction in website speed
- Security at risk
- Possibility of long term risks
Yes, certain websites face site speed issues with excessive use of plugins and these are as follows:
Site speed issues are caused due to poor development of plugins and here are the reasons why WordPress plugin can slow down a website:
- Duplicate JavaScript Libraries: Certain plugins might ask for open source libraries without knowing whether these are already requested or not. This is one of the best tests to check web performance.
Good Plugins must make use of “wp_enqueue_script” to get all Javascript libraries and assure that there are no unnecessary requests.
- Unwanted HTTP requests: Apart from Plugins issue, one of the reasons that lead to slow website loading is the inclusion of site files when these are not required. To avoid this issue, files must be added conditionally only when the plugin’s function is needed.
So, next time before installing a plugin make sure to keep these things in mind:
- Is it necessary to have this plugin? : Before actually purchasing any plugin; make sure to know whether there’s a need for it or not. Is this plugin going to harm your website or not?
Does your website really need this? Don’t use the plugins because other websites are using it.
- Will my business need be satisfied without these plugins? These extensions easily attract people as these have a very small button “Install” which tempts people to install and use it. For developers, sometimes it may be necessary to have the plugins installed.
But in case you know any of the programming languages and are good at coding then instead of installing a complete coded plugin; you can write a code in WordPress’s functions.php
- Is this plugin perfect for my website? Yes, you must compare your plug-ins with those currently available before actually installing the one you think is useful to you. Try to obtain a list of plugins that can meet your needs and are in your budget.
Look for reviews, do research for every plugin and then determine which one is best for you.

Wind up
These questions will definitely help you to get a perfect plugin for your website. To get the plugins installed from expert web developers, stay connected with Softqube Technologies, Web Development Company India.
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