Important Web Development Terms that Must be known by Every Developer
December 19, 2015

Web Development is a wide field. It is a technical field and has lot of terms that a web developer must understand. Till now we have always discussed certain issues like as tips to choose a web developer, things to be taken care of in web development field and lots more.
Today, in this blog post; we will discuss about several web development terms that every web developer must be aware about. So, let’s take a look at these terms:
Web Development terms that must be known by Every Developer:
- HTML,CSS and JavaScript: We all know that HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark up Language. It is a language particularly used for describing web documents and web pages. It is a very basic language that offers a complete structure to its website.
Alone HTML is not sufficient to develop an entire web page and in order to make it beautiful, the use of CSS (Cascading Style sheets) is necessary and to make the website responsive, JavaScript is required.
So, a perfect combination of CSS, HTML and JavaScript makes an amazing website. These three must be used in proper proportion to provide a perfect look to the websites.
- Responsive Design: Today is the world of mobile devices. Everyone is using mobile to surf internet. This forced Google to develop a Mobile Friendly Algorithm based on which rankings will be given to the websites.
Now, is the time where even if you want to stay away from mobile; you cannot because after air, water, food and shelter; mobile is the basic need for every living being. As a result, it is necessary to develop a responsive website with perfect user experience; the one that can run on any device without any error.
- Semantic HTML: It is one of the most important terms in web designing because it tells the browser about the content present in any element. Some basic mark up tags like
, are widely used for this purpose.
- SaaS: This basically deals with various platforms that are offered to the users via an online network. Certain services like Google OneDrive and Microsoft Azure come under this.
- ARIA: It is used for Accessible Rich Internet Application. This helps users with different equipments to use web interface effectively. People with visual impairment need a narrating application.
- Information Architecture: Various web pages like Site map of a website are perfect examples of Information Architecture. This makes it easy for users to get an idea about the content available on the website and what it is all about.
This can be seen as systematic organization of the website data.
- Server Side Scripting: This technique is used by web developers to deploy scripts on web servers. PHP and languages are used mainly for this purpose.
- Visual hierarchy: This is a complete arrangement of web elements as well as web page content as per its importance. Several methods of using bigger size, bright colours are used to make these things important as well as eye catching ones.
- Infinite and Parallax Scrolling: These are somewhat different terms and are often same in a web page. In infinite scrolling; all of the content is loaded on single page instead of on different pages.
The parallax scrolling provides an effect to the webpage that offers page movement along with scrolling.
Wind Up:
So, these are the few important terms that every web developer must be aware of. For more such interesting terms, stay tuned with Softqube Technologies, Web Development Company India.
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