Words & Phrases that must be avoided on Social Media

March 12, 2015

While posting on social media sites, especially on the business page; it’s important to consider the words that actually make a great impact and avoid those that make a negative impression. So, how can one identify what phrases should actually be used to give a professional look to the post.

Social Media

This blog post will give you an insight about the words and phrases that must be avoided while interacting with customers as well as while posting comments or replies to the customers. So, let’s move on and discuss the topic

Words or Phrases that you must avoid

    • Ground breaking: Refrain from using this word unless you have invented some amazing things like electricity or Law of gravitation.Instead use words like “innovative, creative” new idea in the industry. This will actually propel customers to look into your innovation. Ground breaking word can sometimes lead to a wrong notion when what the company introduced is not suitable to the word.
    • Once in a lifetime: We might have seen this phrase in many posts; it can create the doubt in customers’ mind that they may fail to get such opportunity again in their life. So, use this phrase only in case you are offering something outstanding.Alternatively, we can give the dead line or some time restrictions to get the offer like “Hurry! Offer limited till stocks last”.
    • Best: Seems very easy to use but actually has a deep meaning. It’s good to use its alternative if one wants to stand apart from the crowd.Make use of words “top seller”, “customer favorite” instead of using the same old word “Best”.
    • Check this out!: Everyone wants to attract customers and so do this, this phrase is most often used and can be seen in many posts. Sometimes, its’ use can actually irritate customers and there are posts that are successful in drawing the viewer’s attention but actually it doesn’t contain any such useful matter.This can leave a bad impression in the minds of viewers. Hence, instead of using the same old phrase again and again, try something new like “providing a short description of the post” to create excitement in the customers.
    • Think different, think out of the box: The most common phrase I have seen in the posts on social media and especially posts by business people. Avoid it as well if you really wish to look different or create a long lasting impression in the minds of people.Instead try to share your own story, describe what makes you different from others, ask customers to explore your new creative collection instead of saying “Explore our Out of the box” collection.
    • LOL: LOL means Laugh Out Loud but this is an informal phrase that must not be used while communicating with seniors or even customers. Be professional as much as you can because customers also love to stay with professional companies having good communication sense.Really, if you wish to reply to any funny comment then that also has to be professional, it must be a simple smiley or its best not to reply and decide other readers to reply to those funny or amusing comments.
    • YOLO & Selfie: YOLO stands for You Only Live Once. This also is an informal phrase. So, try to use something more descriptive for what you are offering.You can use words that can actually urge people to buy it now, like as “Quick decision can give you a better life”. Such phrases will really excite people to take quick actions.Selfie; yet another most well known word on social media in these days, we might have seen some business posting a contest like “upload your Selfie and the best one will win a surprising gift”.

      Well, instead of using the word “Selfie”; try to advertise with some other words that actually describe the need. This can be like: “We love our customers watching how they use our product, upload a similar picture of your own and win exciting prizes”.

Wind up

Hope this blog post will help you to improve your social media communication, in case you need any more ideas to boost your social media presence then get in touch with experts at Softqube Technologies, SEO Company India.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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