How to Reduce your Web Page Load Times?
August 1, 2015

If you ask people why do they surf internet, you will get some answers like it is easy to get information, it is easy to find whatever is needed and more. Now, how can one get information in an easy manner and that too within short span of time?
This can be only possible if the websites used to find information have quick loading speed. Yes, if one website loads slowly then I think it will consume lot of time to find information from the internet.
However, there are times when website gets loaded slowly and so it is necessary to take care of such things as website speed is the one that plays an important role in enhancing the user experience. So, how will reduce your website loading speed and provide user better user experience.
Here, in this blog post from Softqube Technologies, PHP development Company; we are going to offer you some tips that will help you to reduce your website load times and these are as follows:
Tips to reduce Web Page Load times:

- Know the present website speed: Before actually progressing ahead to reduce website speed, first of all check the current website speed. This will show you what to improve and how to improve and makes sure that any changes you make will definitely reduce the page load times.
In order to measure the current website speed you can take help of some tools which are as follows:
- Pingdom
- Page Test
- Web Page Test
- Enhance your image Quality: It is necessary to know the proper file format that can be used for images in your website. One can change to different file format that is required; this can sometimes reduce the image file size.
Few file formats that can be used:
- GIF: Perfect for logos
- JPEG: Perfect for images with several colours and details such as product images
- PNG: This can be used when high quality transparent images are needed.
- Avoid Scaling down images: Never think of scaling down images like as using a larger image than needed and then reducing its height and size as needed. Try to use tools like Photoshop or any of the web based image editors if you wish to resize the image as needed.
The less the size of the image, the less the website’s load time.
- Optimize your content: Load time can be reduced to an extent if one optimizes the website content in proper manner. If you are using HTTP compression then your entire web page data is transferred over a single small file.
One can optimize JavaScript as well as CSS files by integrating them each other as well as reducing the source code.
- Reduce HTTP Requests: Sometimes when you visit a new web page, you can see most of the page loading time is spent in just downloading components of that particular page. By reducing the number of requests that a web page makes, it will get loaded faster.
Make use of CSS sprites to integrate several images and reduce the HTTP requests for the images.
Wind Up
Well, these are only a few tips that can be used to reduce the page load time. There are even more such tips and these will be discussed in our upcoming blogs. Till then, stay connected with us.
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