Single Sign up For Magento and WordPress

March 21, 2016

Single Sign up For Magento and WordPress

Magento and WordPress are two well known platforms made from PHP. Now, there’s a new extension available through which you can easily login on both of these platforms. There are various scenarios where you would need to sign up simultaneously into two accounts.

Here, we will consider one of these scenarios. Let’s say you are creating a website or you own a website which is developed using both Magento and WordPress. WordPress can be used to manage a blog where as Magento can be used for eCommerce functionality.

Yes, it is possible that all your pages are managed by Magento and WordPress is just used as a blogging platform. In each of the scenarios; users will need to register on their sites; be it while checking out on Magento or in WordPress to leave comments.

Magento and WordPress

Here, both Magento and WordPress need separate registrations and at times; this can be very confusing. This extension is made to reduce this confusion. With this Magento extension; one can remove all the links available in WordPress registration or login area; just by using Magento “My account” area for both.

Prerequisites for this extension:

  1. In order to use this extension; certain conditions are to be followed:

    • Magento & WordPress must be used on same domain
    • At least, they must be on same server
    • No WordPress plugins must be installed which are to be used in sessions
  2. With this extension; customers can:

    • Use one account for Magento and WordPress website.
    • Customers can simply register on Magento and automatically create WordPress account.
    • Sync Password and user information between Magento and WordPress.
    • It synchronizes Login and logouts between Magento and WordPress.
    • This can be done simply as soon as user signs up with Magento.
    • In case, the user registers at Magento checkout then a WordPress account is automatically created.
    • If the user visits “My account” section in the Magento website and makes changes in any of the information then it gets updated in the WordPress account.
    • Users of Magento and WordPress website will need to get registered once and then they can manage their account globally via Magento’s “My Account” area. It is not required to visit WordPress Dashboard.
  3. What cannot be done with this extension?

    • With this extension; one cannot remove the links automatically from WordPress login area to Magento. Here, you need to edit them in your WordPress theme files.
    • Access to WordPress login area will not be restricted by manually removing the WordPress login links until the customers go there.
    • There are several other kinds of methods available to redirect users to Magento Login area. This plugin doesn’t allow users to enter a website in their profile; this is one of the main drawbacks of this extension.

Take Away:

Next time; when you feel the urge to login on both platforms simultaneously then try to make use of this extension and let us know your feedback about the same. Hope you liked this post. Stay tuned with us for more such updates.

Wish to get similar extensions developed? Contact the experts at Softqube Technologies; well known PHP Development Company in India.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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