Things About UX that You are not Aware of

April 22, 2016

Things About UX that You are not Aware of

User experience is an important thing to be kept in mind when you are designing either an application or any website. Businesses now have started taking user centric approach to the design of their websites and applications.

UX needs to be evolved constantly with technological changes which are to be considered by teams.

Things About UX that You are not Aware of

Here are Three Things One May Not Know About UX Design:

  1. Avoiding user research and usability testing: Be it gathering feedback about any new site, validating a new concept, getting pointers on how website can be improved or testing a website with representative users before it is launched- it may seem unwise for project handling teams to avoid research and testing.

    In case, they take this risk then they might create something which needs frequent alterations even if users are not happy or in case it doesn’t fit with their expectations.

    At times, teams may feel that conducting research or user analysis can be a time consuming task however this is an important step that must never be overlooked.

    In other cases, teams feel that they know the user very well however it can be risky to create designs based on assumptions. There’s completely a different range of methods that can be used to understand users.

    Spending time with people, listening to them is a perfect way to develop a clear understanding about how one needs to design anything. Observation and listening is useful to develop clarity and understanding as well as empathy that helps to make proper design decisions throughout the entire project.

    For websites that have target user group; one can be valuable enough to learn about general attitudes of any product. Websites that have huge target audience; surveys with several respondents can be useful in answering particular questions as well as learning about user attitudes.

  2. At times, it is advisable to avoid trends: There are various website designers that follow current trends irrespective of some not being right for them. Web designers often develop “scroll hijacking” into website designs in order to create particular narratives.

    Scroll bars belong to web browser with a view to provide uniform experience and hence it fails to offer best user experience. Whereas UX designers that work on any website or application with accessibility in mind, hijacking functionality in this manner may seem to be frustrating for users.

    One must make balance between trends following and understanding what works the best for website users. There are various controversial topics in web design world and one of them is well known “Ham burger” menu.

  3. Proper balance between Digital Marketing and UX design: The way design process progresses, it is common to fall out over a single aspect such as colour of a button or any other feature of website application.

    For teams that think about UX design, there are various number of stake holders to be kept in mind while making any decision. There are users and client to keep happy however with rapidly growing popularity of digital marketing campaigns, marketing managers have an increasing impact on design process.

    Balance can be found between digital marketing and UX. It’s a wise move to involve marketing directors and managers in the initial project stages. In case, these are included in research process then they can understand why designer makes particular decisions.

Take Away

Now, whenever you will create UX design; keep these things in mind as this will help you to develop a better design. Hope this blog post will be useful for you. For more such tips and tricks, stay tuned to Softqube Technologies; well known developers of Responsive Web Design India.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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