Selecting the Right Platform: PHPBB or Joomla Kunena
November 9, 2015

It is essential to keep your website up to date and attractive. Using a perfect Forum can help you to have an active community which has thousands of ideas and thoughts. All difficulties get solved if you select a perfect platform.
So, here we are going to discuss about the selection of the right platform among the two that is PhP BB or Joomla Kunena. Hence, if you are in a dilemma as to which forum to choose among the two then you are at the right place.
Running a website is like maintaining the heart and soul of the business. The moment you start using a website; you will want to keep doing it daily. This is one of the easiest and useful ways to spend time.
And on the other hand, it is a great source of income. Adding several things like as blog, forum, online shop, intranet can transform a single website into a Cash cow that generates huge profit. Generally, there are two types of forum building tools viz. Bulletin boards which are developed for forum or blog creation and others are the ones that are unified with CMS platforms.

In order to catch the detailed differences; let’s compare these two PHPBB and Joomla Kunena:
- Php Bulletin Board: This is a forum having a perfect user control panel in which forum visitors have full control on their accounts on the boards. Further, it has an admin panel which can easily customize and configure almost every detail of the web project.
PHP bulletin board has high level of security as it offers users with password hashing offering them reliable protection for their details. In case, you wish to integrate the forum with your website or blog then it is necessary to create the one and maintain the connection between the two.
So, make sure that your followers have two separate accounts; one for site and other for the forum.
- Joomla Kunena: This Joomla forum platform serves as forum as well as Joomla extension which must be installed at the root. As compared to the stand alone PHP bulletin board; there’s no need to have a sub domain to connect website with a forum.
- Single Registration: Be it website or forum, users can have a single account to get registered. Unlike phpBB, it is not necessary to have separate accounts for forum as well as website. One can operate all the web projects from a single dashboard.
- Single Design: For Kunena forum; one can use Joomla templates. The layout can be managed separately from various styles.
- Old Kunena Versions: The Kunena developers are professionals with great enthusiasm. All the old kunena versions are now not supported here and now all the new development processes are based on new Kunena releases.
Make the Forum Closer to the Website:
It will be easier for you to manage the website as well as forums if they both are integrated in a proper way. All the modifications can be made easily within a single dashboard. All forum items can be easily migrated from PHPBB to Kunena.
All the data can be easily converted in few minutes with no coding knowledge at all.
Wind Up:
So, now next time if you wish to choose a forum for your website then make sure to refer to this post and choose the one that is suitable to your needs. You can select the one that suits your business requirements.
For more such useful information, stay connected with Softqube Technologies; Web Development Company India.
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