Save your Joomla Website from Brute Force Attacks
June 27, 2015

Be it Joomla or any website, security is important. If your site is not secure then it may get hacked easily. Hence, it’s necessary to keep the website safe from security attacks. Today, here we will discuss about some tips to protect your website from Brute Force Attacks.

Brute Force Attacks are very common these days. Hackers now can easily hack your website. Computers can be used to combine huge brute force attacks on the website. People working with web hosting companies can see these attacks and based on their experience, they advice people about staying alert from them.
So, what actually a brute force attack is?
Brute Force Attack is trying to force itself into the website administrator by using several combinations of password and usernames. With these attacks, website owners can face two problems: such attacks reduce the server capacity and second this allows people to peep in to your website.
Hence, protection from such attacks is very important. Let’s take a look at how you can do it.
Saving your website from Brute Force Attacks:
- Opt for strong username and Passwords: When you create your account on any website or use any content management system to manage your site; you are asked to create the account where in certain conditions are kept for choosing user name and password.
These conditions are to keep your account or we can say website away from such brute force attacks. Avoid using “admin” “administrator”, admin1, admin123 as your website username and password.
Try to keep unique username for every website you have. Further, talking about passwords, use 20 alpha numeric characters or more. They should be used randomly in a proper combination of upper and lower case. Never use single password for more than one website.
Yes, it’s difficult to manage all passwords and so you can use various Password management tools like as to generate as well as manage passwords. With such tools, one can easily manage thousands of passwords.
Also, you must have a solid master password as well as two way authentications with Joomla.
- Block site Access: This is yet another useful way to avoid brute force attacks. To avoid frequent unwanted website attacks, make sure to restrict access to your website or server. This can be done via:
- Joomla extensions
- Using .htcaccess blocking
- Blocking IPs in Firewall
Various Joomla extensions like as Admin Excile allows you to block IPs after frequent wrong password attempts. It is one of the effective techniques that works for most of the Joomla websites.
If you are using .htc access blocking then you can add certain IP addresses to your .htaccess file on the Apache servers. This will not allow those IP addresses to access your website or we can say your Joomla website administrator page.
Along with this, using Firewalls to block IPs is also a good option. But this can also block some traffic. Hence, use it wisely. If you have international business then this is not an option for you. Please avoid.
Wind Up
With these Joomla security tips, we are sure that our readers whosoever has Joomla website will be able to protect them from brute force attacks and save the website from hacking, For more such tips and updates about Joomla, stay connected with Softqube Technologies, Joomla website development company India.
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