Redesign Your Website with Responsive Design

August 4, 2014

Everyone around you is using latest tech devices such as smartphones, iPhone, iPad etc. This indirectly has affected the online business and in order to reach to the target audience, every business owner is forced to have a mobile optimized web design.

Generally there are two types of websites developed for mobile: mobile optimized separate website or a single business with responsive web design that adjusts to any device in which it is viewed considering from big laptop screen to small mobile touch screens. So, how these responsive designs are created and what are the main challenges faced to develop them? Our today’s blog describes these challenges in brief.

Challenges Faced in Developing Responsive Design for any Website:

The first and foremost challenge is to change the internal tooling. This can be done by developing new content management tools that help you to develop flexible content which can be displayed across many devices.

In order to keep entire team in a loop, it is necessary to share every minute detail with each every team member. This includes details such as typographic scale, colour palettes and module system. The most important part of design is sketching.

Changes in Information Architecture:

It is recommended to simplify the details. From a certain type of analysis of users’ data, it is derived that after coming at a certain point while visiting the website they stop navigating anymore and then switch towards the content. So, a website having cluttered navigation is not going to attract visitors.

In responsive design, the navigation is divided into two parts: Primary & secondary level. This type of navigation allows viewers to quickly navigate themselves to the main topic area which interests them the most.

Content Strategy Development:

Depending on your business category, website content strategy must be developed. The content must be easily found by the viewers. Blended content is also an important thing to be considered. This includes a separate zone such as Reviews, Poll etc.

These zones include the content from the entire website. Blended content can be available anywhere in the website.

Wire Framing Process:

Always recommend using proper coding languages such as HTML instead of using any software like UX. Using a coding language can benefit a lot and the strongest point is you will easily know how an idea works in browser. These i-frames can be shared and presented with others.

Swimlaning the project:

Large massive websites are very difficult to maintain. So, a responsive website should have service oriented architecture. Content API should be developed in such a way that frontend application must be easily able to fetch data from the database without any errors. Further, updates are available at regular intervals to continuously provide change to the users.


Using these techniques for developing a responsive web design can really help you to get a good website design which is responsive to each and every device, users are using to access internet. To get some more useful techniques for developing responsive design, you can take advice from expert website designers at Softqube technologies- a reliable website development company India.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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