Practices of PHP development

April 15, 2014

Nobody wants to waste their most valuable time on website loading. However, using some best practices, developers can give your website more hurtle and less turtle make. That means your web pages will open faster and lead to higher visitor engagement and conversions. Today, PHP provides this facility and that’s reason worldwide business enterprise gives their first priority to PHP development for improving the workplace, appealing more visitors and taking the business to the next level. It is very simple language to learn as well as it can work with a mixture of operating systems, web servers and platform free of charge.
In the procedure of PHP web development, developers edit multiple file through a single file, keep things in working order; use the PHP extension when working on a large website. Let’s take a look on the top best practices of PHP development that your website developer should know and follow all these guidelines.

Turn on Error Reporting:
PHP comes with Error reporting features that are very must helpful to find bugs in your code earlier. There are numerous different levels of error reporting that you can use; however, by activating E_ALL, you can notice most errors, critical and warnings alike.
Once you have gotten your application ready for production, you should turn off error reporting otherwise your visitor will see strange errors that they don’t understand.

Apply DRY Approach:
DRY or Don’t Repeat Yourself is a very valuable programming concept that you can use in any type of language like C#, PHP, JAVA…etc. By enabling DRY, you can cut down redundancy from your code.

Indent Code and Use White Space Line Length for Readability:
The code of the website must be readable and easy to search by indentations and white space in your code. Otherwise, it will become too much difficult to make changes in the future. Using advanced text and IDEs editors, you can add indentation automatically. You must try to keep an indent of 4 spaces and line length less than 80 characters to make your code easily readable for you and other developers.

Single Quoted vs. Doubles Quoted Strings:
There are differences between single quoted strings and the double quoted ones, so you should know about it. If you just have a simple string to display, then apply single quotes or have variables and special characters like “n”, “t” in your string, then you must use double quotes.

Always use Meaningful, Consistent Name Standard:
If you do not stick with a proper naming standard and apply generic and un-meaningful names all over, then it can definitely become a painful experience for other programmers to understand your code. Therefore, use names that make sense for your classes and functions. You can follow two popular naming standards like camelCase and underscores for easy to understand code.

Remember to Comment, Comment & Comment:
Besides using white space and indentations to separate the code, you should also use the inline comments to interpret your code. The comment is very important which helps you a lot when your team needs to go back, find something in the code and maintain a project from a long time ago. To maintain a high quality of comment standard, you must familiar with some PHP Documentation packages like phpDocumentor.

Use Framework:
After learning complete features of PHP, try some PHP frameworks that are designed based on Model-view-contorller (MVC) software architecture. In order to create some awesome PHP applications with ease, consider frameworks like, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Symfony, Zend, etc..

Never, Ever Trust Your User:
If your application has seats for users’ input, you should always presume that they will try to input the naughty code. So to keep your application hacker-free, always initialize your variables to defend your site from XSS attacks.
PHP development with this best practice, business enterprise can make their website more readable and accessible. Our PHP developers at Softqube Technologies consider all top best practice for website development. Therefore, in need services of PHP development India hire our developers and get the best quality results.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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