Google’s New Project : Accelerated Mobile Pages

October 11, 2015

Google’s New Project : Accelerated Mobile Pages

If you are the owner of small business or even if you are running a huge firm like Google, revenue is an important thing for you. Recently, Google launched its new Accelerated Mobile Pages project that makes the content load faster on web.

This project by Google is its alternative to various mobile publishing systems from Facebook and Apple. It is used to maintain web as the primary place to publish content. This is very useful for Google Search, Android, Advertising and Analytics products.

Today, most of the websites have the issue of slow loading web pages. As we all know, nowdays; mobile devices are the widely used means to surf the internet or we can say watch video, listen music and lots more.

Mobile devices have become the only source to make payments, do online shopping, read books, get information and lots more. Apart from this, mobile apps are slowly becoming popular and these will definitely replace the websites very soon.

Till the time, websites are accessed on mobile devices. It is necessary for websites to get occupied in those small screens and be easily readable. Now, websites are not any living things that they will adjust themselves to any screen size.

It is the task of web developer to create a website in such a manner that it easily gets adjusted to whatsoever screen it is accessed on. In technical terms, such websites are known as responsive websites.

So, apart from just responsive designs; several other factors related to mobile must also be considered like as storage capacity, slow internet connections, slow processors, small screens and lots more.

A website is to be developed keeping in mind all these factors. This is actually a very tough process. Over and above this, Speed is the leading factor that makes any website successful. The slower the website the lesser the views directly resulting into fewer sales.

Keeping all these things in mind, Google has launched a new project known as Accelerated Mobile Pages.

Google’s new AMP Project:

Page loading is a huge issue faced by most of the firms and this has been solved by many ways like as using engineering solutions to load pages faster. Another way is to develop native apps. Apple solved this issue by developing Apple News Publisher while Facebook did this with the help of Instant Articles.

These methods use their own systems to make content load quickly. However, these are valid for their users only.

This is easily available and you can test it now. You can use Google’s version of AMP enabled search. However, it is useful only for mobile devices and not desktop search. If we see the above given image which is a demo of AMP search results then we easily identify the difference between normal search results and AMP based search results.

If you click on any of the results, it will be displayed at the bottom i.e. below carousel. Carousels are only seen in AMP search results. In case, the search results don’t show any carousels then it means that there are no AMP pages related to that topic and hence Google will show you the normal results like the one mentioned above when searched for Antarctica.

Why Google launched this project?

The main aim of Google is to enhance user experience. In order to meet this objective; Google welcomes content that has video, animations, graphics along with smart ads that load quickly. The same code works on various platforms and devices in such a way that content is visible everywhere irrespective of the type of phone, tablet or mobile device that is used by the viewers.

Base of AMP:

The entire project is based on AMP HTML; a new open framework that is developed from the currently used technologies which allows websites to develop light weight web pages.

Slowly all of the Google Products will be using this framework and at present it is used by Twitter, Pinterest, WordPress, Chartbeat, LinkedIn and Adobe Analytics. This is the initiative taken by Google to make mobile web work better for everyone.

Suggestions by Google for Developers related to AMP HTML:

This project is solely for mobile devices. Hence, Google advices developers to use a limited subset of AMP HTML where there won’t be any animations, transitions and filters. Several make up elements are also restricted.

A boiler plate document is available for developers to initiate the process. It contains AMP JavaScript library that takes care of all tasks like as resource loading, code validation as well as access to certain AMP elements like as carousels, embedded tweets which are designed especially keeping in mind the performance.

Brief Note: This was all about the new Google update- Accelerated Mobile Pages which is used to improve the content loading speed especially for mobile devices. When it comes to mobile device, it is necessary to keep all these things in mind in such a way that any website when developed must get quickly loaded.

Developers may take time to get used to this new open source framework launched by Google. However, as time passes they will become familiar with the same.

Wind Up

This blog post contains all the useful information related to the new Google update. We hope this will be a perfect guide for all those who wish to get details about this project. If you have any additional details then don’t forget to share it with us as it may get published in our upcoming blogs thus becoming useful to other readers.

Stay tuned with us for more such updates, news related to IT industry. Feel free to get in touch in case you need more details or wish to leave feedback for this post. We are waiting to hear from you.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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