Extremely Useful tools for PHP Developers
November 6, 2014

PHP developer is one of the most famous open-source server-side scripting programming language. Huge amount of domains like Facebook, WordPress and Digg, are using such a magical language which makes the website more secure as well as compatible to end user. The reason behind this because of PHP is easier to start than others scripting language. If you’re thinking to start up with PHP developer then here are some important tools which will be helpful to you while programming with PHP. So we’re categorizing PHP tools into different-different categories areas follows:
- Debugging Tools: By debugging, we can monitor our source code and can be fix bug with the help of important tools, which make our programming application user-friendly such tools are Webgrind, Xdebug, Gubed PHP Debugger, DBG, PHP_Debug, PHP_Dyn and MacGDBp(debugger application for Mac OS).
- Testing and Optimization Tools: Which helps you to test the Scalability and stability of web application, create test case as well as also helpful for maintaining your source code. Some of the major tools are PHPUnit, SimpleTest, Selenium, PHP_CodeSniffer, dBug and PHP Profile Class.
- Documentation Tools: Through documentation tools, you can maintain your source code with particular formats like PDF, HTML, CHM and XML. It also enables the search feature, by which you can easily find out the search title from Documentation of all PHP pages.
- Security Tools: It helps to detect vulnerable points and also protect from any kinds of spam and abuse by Open Source PHP CAPTCHA Script. Some of the examples are Securimage, Scavenger, PHP-IDS and Pixy: PHP Security Scanner.
- PHP Code Beautifier: By this kind of tools, you can save your programming timing, because of code highlighting feature by GUI version of CVS, SubVersion, IDE etc. which indicate some sense with code by representing code with colors part like class, objects etc. which make it more beautiful than others simple editors. These some tools are PHP_Beautifier, PHPCodeBeautifier and GeSHi – Generic Syntax Highlighter.
- Useful Extensions, Utilities and Classes: Some kinds of extra features which provide some extra coverage for a particular task. You can also say Add-on Features through which you can reduce your workload by using these tools are:1. HTML Purifier: Useful for standards-compliant of documents.
2. TCPDF: For PDF creation.
3. Creole: For, Database Abstraction Layer for PHP5.
4. htmlSQL: Useful for Querying HTML Values in SQL.
5. PHPMathPublisher: Useful for publishing the Mathematical Documents.
6. phpMyAdmin: Useful for Managing, importing, exporting, building and exploring the MySQL Database.
7. PHPExcel: Useful for editing and reading the Microsoft Excel. - In-Browser Tools (Firefox Add-Ons): Which provide more extra feature by the use of web browser, these tools are use as a add-on or Plug-in into Web Browser. Tools are:1. FirePHP
2. phpLangEditor
3. PHP Lookup
4. PHP Manual Search. - PHP IDEs and Editors: It helps the developer or coder by providing some extra features to the editor. These extra features are libraries of classes and objects which create programming environment by use of pre-defined set of data or programming snippet. Some most popular IDE’s are PHPEclipse, PhpED, phpDesigner, Zend Studio and PHPEdit.
Wind Up:
Softqube Technologies is one of the best PHP Development company in India providing all the necessary guidance as well as updated PHP Services to its clients. Talk to them now regarding your needs and get your web application developed by expert hands.
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