Mobile Application Development Tricks

September 9, 2016

Mobile Application Development Tricks

The number of people using smartphones with Android is increasing every day since mobile applications have always fascinated these users with their performance. The apps have set their own trend in the market today and this is the reason why a Mobile Apps Development company is flourishing with lucrative opportunities. Developers working on such applications are leaving no stone unturned to build these apps that are rich in features and high on performance. To make sure these mobile apps are a great success then read on further.

Steps for Rapid Mobile Creation

If you have ever considered creating a mobile application, then there is a lot of work for preparing, researching and developing it. It can be overwhelming at first since you need a lot of patience on making them work. Here is how you can make these extensive apps work:

    1. Find a good developer: You can build mobile applications using web technologies and you will find this skill only in a mobile app developer. Since they have the talent required to build apps and are not so expensive. You will also not have to pay that much. So find a good web developer that you can trust and who has professional experience in building applications along with caching UI elements and offloading processing to mobile devices using CSS 3. Just hiring one quality web developer will bring your work on track.
    2. Use jQuery for proper user interface: JQuery has improved the user interface for any app since all the elements work across all mobile platforms. Mobile elements can be setup by adding a few HTML5 attributes to your app without having to write any JavaScript which then becomes easy to get up and run. So if you want your interface to be prototyped quickly then take a look at jQuery mobile.
  1. Try testing occasionally: You can always run the app as a test for your customers and try seeing how it works. If you want you can also approach uTest, a service that gives you instant feedback on your app’s experience and the way it is working. With the feedback, you can then make changes wherever it is required. You can then perform a test on the changes that were made.
  2. Use Phone Gap if required: Stop wasting your time in downloading, installing and configuring a native app SDK’s since it is time-consuming for sure. With the use of Phone Gap, you can upload your app’s HTML, CSS and JS as a zip file and see the magic of Phone Gap building your app for you.
  3. Release your app in the market: When you use web technologies as your platform and a service like Phone Gap, then surely you are not far away in targeting audience. You can also get a guarantee that your app will reach the largest possible audience in stores like Apple App Store or Google Play or in emerging web platforms like Firefox OS or Chrome. Try using HTML5 and make your future better.

The huge demand for smartphones and mobile devices has led to massive growth of Android Application development these days. You will surely find at least one mobile app Development Company which can develop innovative android applications for benefiting its users.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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