Know the Value of Your Mobile App users

January 16, 2015

When it comes to android Mobile app development, the first thing in mind is to think about users because ultimately the apps that we create must satisfy the needs of the end users. As a result, it is important to know their needs and give them utmost importance.

So, how can we know their value as well as their needs? Different users have different likes. Keeping in mind a group of unique users, we develop certain features in an app and then know their responses. In-App Analytics helps us to understand user behavior as well as user value over time.

Provide Value to the goals of users

Different app developers value their users in a different manner. With Google Analytics, we can easily value our users in the most convenient way. With the help of Google Analytic Goals, specific actions can be defined to maximize our business.

We must make sure that users spend particular amount of time playing the game developed or reach a specific screen. Goals must be defined depending on the action of the user. Certain actions must be provided with specific value such as $3 for reaching at a certain level in a game etc. With this value, we can easily know the behaviour of our users and be able to serve them better.

Here, Google Analytics helps us a lot. It provides a view of revenue generated per user for transactions carried out in our Application like as purchasing Gold coins, purchasing additional gaming tools, unlocking a certain package for free and much more.

Knowing this purchase data will help us to trace our most valuable users who really make us earn handsome cash as well as play an important role in promoting our application to different other users.

Make use of Audience Report, Demographic and Interest Reports to know our users in a better way

With the assistance of Audience report, Demographic report and Interest reports generated by Google Analytics, we can easily see pile of data that reveals our user’s characteristics, features they are deeply interested in and most important their interest in the app.

It also reveals certain things like app version they love to use, devices they prefer to use our app on, location of the users, their interests like as updates about App, any new feature, highlights of the app etc. With the Active Users Report, we can see the number of loyal users coming back to our application and how often they are using our App like as Single Day users, 7 day users etc.

With Demographic & Interest Reports, we can know the demographic details of our users as well as get

Mobile Application Analytics
The quick break down of gender wise users, age group, nationality etc. Interest Reports reveal the category users are interested in.

Classifying the data

After getting the perfect user data, we need to segment it in order to know from where the users are finding us or we can say downloading our application. It helps to know the user purchase pattern in a perfect manner. This shows what brought a change in user preferences either it’s a language or a particular marketing channel or anything else.

Data is generally classified based on

  • Time & date, days of the week when users use our application.
  • Device and app version; how many users quickly switch to the updated version, how many of them remain to the older one, what devices they prefer to use our app etc.
  • Geographical locations: Where the application is widely used in which countries, states etc?
  • First time users, repetitive users etc.

With these segments, one can easily know the entire status of its app and how much popular it is among the users and the most important how many actually value this app.

Wind Up

So, if you are one of the mobile app developers reading this article then the moral is to develop an app that suffices the need of end users and then only it will make your app popular in the market. So, before building any mobile application, it is advisable to read this blog post and get further assistance from Softqube Technologies, a well known mobile app development company India.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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