Making the Makers Able to innovate and Bring Something Big
August 2, 2015

What is meant by makers and how can they be motivated? Makers are those who have new creative and innovative ideas and have a complete access to various professional tools. These makers help to transform business to an extent.
With the help of proper community and collaboration, their innovation is inspired on regular basis by means of creating new gadgets, machines, robots and wearable. Currently, the business industry has changed.
Now, innovations are not anyone’s monopoly. These are now given the proper opportunity to develop cutting edge products and then check them in different workplaces and then share the inventions online so that they can develop something new to the market.
Via this connectivity, makers can then easily contribute some sort of unique things to the people using internet. This huge internet where everything is interconnected via several devices make use of sensors in order to communicate with people, environment etc. This is the future of technology worldwide.
Economy of Innovation:
IT is a field completely filled with innovation. Previously, huge companies, corporations were responsible for offering something new to the industry but now the trend has changed. Even an individual or a group of individuals can come forward with their unique ideas and innovations.
This leads makers to lead the world of innovation. Hence, industry has no option but to accept this new trend and support these makers with latest tools and technology so that these individuals can get empowered and their creativity can then get advancement.
Their creativity can then definitely solve the engineering problems coming in the future. If we consider few examples of innovation then TechShop developed professional makerspaces all over the nation in order to offer high end tools to the engineers.
Thus, several companies like GE and TechShop are boosting the latest process of developing products as well as gaining the creativity that is used to develop those products. If companies wish to remain competitive then they need to make the maker movement even bigger which makes it convenient for any idea to be originated from the imagination of an individual.
Once the development is accepted then comes the task to collect funds to support the development project and this can be done via various crowd funding sites where success depends on the consumer valuation of product rather than examining the venture capitalists.
Transforming education:
For education systems it is necessary to accept the maker movement as well as make sure that students can get quick access to most of the tools as well as resources which allow makers to create something new and unique for the world.
Education systems produce graduates who can work with the firms that create innovative things. Instead it should focus on producing graduates who can develop firms that produce innovative things.
Hence, there’s a drastic change that actually education systems need to apply in order to create more maker spaces.
Wind Up
Today, innovation is highly appreciated by the society especially consumers. Consumers want something new in the market rather than seeing the things which are already in their shelves. By promoting new technology, innovations; the product development gets enhanced thus enabling makers to be the creators of new industrial revolution.
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