Addition of Mobile UX in Google’s Ranking Algorithm
October 13, 2014

When Google’s Ranking your site, their robots (spiders) are seeing your website like any other users, and if your design is not adapted for mobile devices, then that can result with a bad ranking on Google for your website.
At the meeting Search Marketing Expo East, a lot of people talked about this problem. Engineer who works in Google was talking about that how much important is the experience of the users who are visiting websites, and all webmasters or site owners main focus must be on better user experience. Google wants to make their algorithm better and so they are focusing more on rankings to be on this principle.
Their new crawling bots sees website like the users see it, they’re not seeing only code. Google is working strong on this field and they are better every day.
Main Factors for Ranking may be Mobile UX
Webmasters are pushed a lot by Google. Everything that Google want to do is to make websites that are on their top positions to be better places for visitors and users. That is the main reason, but how will Google make webmaster to do something about that. They will do that by adding them to the algorithm in search ranking.
New Google Bots are Seeing Website Like Normal Users
With new bots Google have opportunity to see what a real user sees. So if your website is very good for desktop computers, Google will check it also for mobile devices. They will check fonts of your content, how users can scroll your websites on a mobile devices, also they will check buttons, are they large enough or they are not and similar thing like this.
Actually Google bots are rendering your webpage (what the real users sees)
Importance of Mobile UX
Websites that are mobile-friendly provide better experience for the users, who are visiting the websites from a mobile device. So if your website is not adapted for mobile devices than 61% of mobile users who have visited your website will not return again. That is about websites where users must zoom to see what is on the page, or websites where size of font is not good enough for mobile devices. So because of that Mobile designed sites are very important, more than 50% users in USA are visiting websites from mobile devices.
Is Google Rankings Depend from a Mobile Design of the Websites?
At this moment Google is punishing websites that have problems for mobile users. This started in July 2013. Websites that are redirecting their mobile users homepage of their site will have less chance to be ranked on Google ranks for mobile devices. Errors like this also can have an impact in ranking of your site. If you don’t want to be penalized from Google for such things, you must make better your mobile design, check your font, buttons, scrolling on the page and similar things, if these are good than you will have good results for sure.
Wind Up:
Softqube Technologies is one of the SEO Services provider in India that loves to share latest Google’s Ranking updates with its visitors so that it helps them to stay updated and transform their websites , make changes in the SEO strategy accordingly.
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