Top 5 Latest Trends of Enterprise Application Development Company for 2016
June 24, 2016

The Smartphone’s android application development company is a boon to today’s generation. They help in solving many problems and made life easier through the apps of cab booking, shopping, games, quiz, spiritual thoughts, daily activities calculator and a lot more.

It boosts the productivity and increases the rate of interest of the general user. Even you can now get an app for your business designed it helps to reach the number of users worldwide and develops your organization by customized software’s and increase the productivity in a very short time span.
Some of the common applications that are highly in trend this year in addition to the activities, location and productivity are mentioned below.
- Security app: The cyber attacks are increasing highly resultant the risk and insecurity situation increase. Now more than 75% of website apps are having the authentication issue. It is why the security app and efforts are required for the development.
- Front end technology of the web application: Just like the users look for the responsive website now they also need the responsive web application. It makes the mobile phones operation smooth. The more emphasis is given to the front end technology of the web application now as it put the application easily in the browser.
- Adaptive design by nature: Creating the Responsive design means customizing as per the size of the screen. Different mobile phones are of different size. Besides, having a responsive app design, it is more important to have an adaptive layout, especially for the web application. Although both terms adaptive and responsive are same in nature, but the responsive designs works better in websites. Without thinking twice opt to have an adaptive design as it is the latest trend.
- The hybrid application adoption increases as the demand for the enterprise app goes: Like the increase in the demand for the mobile phones, the requirement for the web application has also grown and is continuously in the rising. The reason after it is that it can be operated anywhere with the help of the mobile phone. Since it can also be operated through the tablets the hybrid application adoption increases. It makes the fast development, better performance, and reduced cost.
- Demand for enterprise apps increases hybrid app adoption: With the growth of mobile phones in the past, both business employees and customers want enterprise web applications to be accessed on their phones. It was predicted that by the end of 2017, the demand for enterprise app development will increase by five times. Nowadays any web application can be accessed from any mobile device. Users can access the same application through Smartphone’s and tablets resulting in increased demand for hybrid apps. Reduced cost and better performance make hybrid apps more required and popular.
The Softqube Technologies is an android application development company that helps the users to grow through the customized application development and keeps an eye on the latest update that increases the rate of interest.
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