Professional SEO Services: Required Social Media Changes in 2015

January 19, 2015

As days pass on, several changes take place in the world of business communication. If we talk about interacting with potential customers, previously companies used to have one way push methods of communication. Now, with the use of social media and SEO Services; the way companies interact with their potential customers is completely changed.

Today, it has become a two way communication where discussion can be from customer to business and vice versa, also customers can interact with each other. As time changes, things are changing. And talking about 2015, more money is to be spent on business related social media efforts. As algorithm changes, strategies also change and as a result, we can notice fewer connections, views and comments on the posts.

SEO Services

With the change in algorithms, plans also change and to create a new plan new investment is done. If we don’t wish to invest then certain organic methods are also available to boost the brand or products or service and meet the new algorithm needs.

Organic (Unpaid Ways) to Increase Views

It’s okay if one doesn’t wish to invest anything in the beginning and still would like to check the results by using organic ways to maximize the likes, views on various social media platforms. This can be easily done by engaging regularly with any of the members from the audience. They will mostly see the posts.

Publishing top quality informative content can also help to get more views. Now days, people prefer to use infographics to demonstrate any product, service, its benefits, disadvantages etc. It is necessary to prepare a plan for unique, strategic content creation across all channels to make marketing communication effective with a view to hit target audience from various touch points.

Proper interaction can be possible with quality content and then very small amount of money can be spent to promote that qualitative post. If we talk about Face book, there are 700 million users that use this social networking site on daily basis. Talking about LinkedIn, it has 332 million active users while Twitter has 384 million daily users.

Those business owners that don’t believe in the power of social media for them these figures can be useful to reveal the fact that social media plays an important role in growing the brand exposure and making it easy for business to reach its target audience.

Along with funded posts, quality content; videos that act as speaking visuals and more mostly preferred by people are also useful for creating brand awareness. An important thing is that now “videos posted on Face book will have more views as that of YouTube”. Experiment this, we are sure you will get surprised by the results.

Other social media platforms

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn are the synonyms for social media because the moment we speak the word “social media” an image of these platforms occur in our mind. Ha! This is not true. Other social media platforms are also available such as Pinterest, Instagram, Dig in, Myspace; these can also be used for business purpose keeping in mind the target audience.

A product for females between 30-55 years can be easily promoted on Pinterest. It is one of the best platform for it and if the product is for teen agers then Instagram is the suitable one as it mostly has users between teens and twenties.

Most important Google + must be widely used as it has an active business presence and plays a vital role in enhancing overall search engine optimization efforts.

Wind up

SEO Services With these many options available, one can easily select the platform of ones and start grabbing the attention of their targeted users on any specific social platform. With a view to get engaged with particular social media platform and expand your social presence, stay in touch with Softqube Technologies, professional SEO Services provider in India.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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