Make your Payment Process Systematic For Improved Conversion Rates

June 26, 2015

Make your Payment Process Systematic For Improved Conversion Rates

There are hundreds of ways through which you can increase conversion rates as well as improve sales. Yes, SEO is one of them through which you can get more sales as well as maximum traffic. Apart from SEO, there are many other ways out of which one is Checkout Process.

We all are very excited to develop an online shop but once it is developed then it is time to boost its visibility. Yes, we achieve success in that as well but what’s the use of website traffic when there are no actual conversions.

Make Payment Process Systematic

Your eCommerce store is gaining maximum traffic but what about the conversions? What’s the conversion rate? Actually, to increase conversion rates it’s necessary to take a look at some minute things that will be useful to enhance the e-store so that it is able to generate more sales.

What these minute things are? How can these be noticed and improved? Let’s find it out.

Few ways to enhance the checkout process of an e-store:

  • Check out time frame: The more time your customer takes to process the checkout means he/she is likely to change its mind before shopping. So, it is advisable to make checkout process as easy and simple as possible. This will help you to get more customers.

    Various features like as allowing customers to store their delivery address in “Address Book” so that next time when they order something; there’s no need to type the delivery address. This will boost repeat purchases. offers such facility.

  • Make easy checkout process: People access web even when they are travelling or attending any event. Wherever they go, they can access internet and hence people have started using smartphones for online shopping.

    So, it’s advisable for e-store owners to make check out process as easy as possible for visitors so that they are able to complete the process from any device such as mobile, desktop, laptop and more.

  • Unending Payment Process: Avoid using payment gateways that lead to redirects on other websites as this can interrupt the checkout process which can sometimes disappoint customers.

    One can solve the problem by using an integrated solution to keep the customers on your website throughout the entire payment process. One can also use the gateway that allows to style the hosted payment page to look like a shop.

  • Select Payment Methods wisely: Depending on customer’s preference method of payment, you must consider the options that must be used on eCommerce store to make it convenient for customers to pay.

    Payment methods must be used depending on the target audience. For instance; Visa, Master Card are more popular in UK while as Cash on Delivery is popular in India. So, you must include options for every country where our target audience belongs to.

  • Currency is important: Make sure to offer proper currency options along with payment methods and customers must be given option to pay in their own currency. Yes, one can also go for currency conversion providers who will pay a referral fee for any particular currency conversion rates.

Wind Up

So, utilize these tips to the best and try to make payment process as easy as possible. See conversions increasing by leaps and bounds. Wish to get more assistance about eCommerce section then stay connected with reputed eCommerce Development Company, Softqube Technologies.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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